P. 10

               Wednesday 2 august 2017

            Jews visit contested Jerusalem holy site on day of mourning

            JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  Over  a  then  removed,  metal  de-   while  Jews  call  it  the  Tem-  control of the shrine in the  the  number  of  Jewish  visi-
            thousand Jewish visitors as-  tectors  there  following  the  ple Mount. It is considered  1967  Mideast  war.  Police  tors  was  “unprecedented,
            cended  a  contested  Jeru-  deadly  shooting  of  two  Is-  the  holiest  place  in  Juda-  spokeswoman  Luba  Samri  unacceptable  and  should
            salem holy site on Tuesday  raeli  policemen.  Muslims  ism  and  the  third  holiest  said  nine  Jewish  visitors  stop.”  Israel’s  Chief  Rabbi
            to mark Tisha B’av, the Jew-  administer  the  compound,  in  Islam.  Police  said  the  were  removed  for  violat-  Yitzhak  Yosef  also  issued  a
            ish  day  of  mourning  over  home  to  the  Al  Aqsa  number  of  Jewish  visitors  ing the guidelines. She said  statement saying Jews who
            the destruction of the bibli-  Mosque  and  Dome  of  the  to  the  site  was  the  largest  three Jews and one Muslim  visited  the  site  were  “des-
            cal temples.                 Rock,  while  Jews  can  visit  in  a  single  day  in  recent  were arrested after a minor  ecrating  its  holiness”  and
            The  site  has  been  at  the  but not pray there.        years, and religious nation-  skirmish.  Azzam  al-Khatib,  violating  Jewish  custom,
            center  of  recent  tensions  Muslims  refer  to  the  site  alist groups claimed it was  director  of  the  Muslim  ad-  which  proscribes  entering
            after  Israel  installed,  and  as  the  Noble  Sanctuary,  the largest since Israel took  ministration,   Waqf,   said  the holy compound.q

            Jordan activists celebrate repeal of ‘marry the rapist’ law

            By ALICE SU                                                                                                         and  Tunisia.  Lebanon  is
            Associated Press                                                                                                    considering  repeal,  the
            AMMAN,  Jordan  (AP)  —                                                                                             group  said.  The  clause  re-
            The  repeal  of  a  Jordanian                                                                                       mains  on  the  books  in  Al-
            law that allowed a rapist to                                                                                        geria,  Iraq,  Kuwait,  Libya,
            escape prison by marrying                                                                                           the  Palestinian  territories
            his  victim  was  bittersweet                                                                                       and Syria, as well as several
            news for a Jordanian wom-                                                                                           countries in Latin America,
            an whose daughter was as-                                                                                           the  Philippines  and  Tajiki-
            saulted  when  she  was  just                                                                                       stan, according to HRW.
            13 years old.                                                                                                       Tuesday’s vote to scrap Ar-
            Tuesday’s  vote  by  parlia-                                                                                        ticle 308 of the penal code
            ment’s  lower  house  came                                                                                          capped an emotional par-
            too  late  for  the  hairdress-                                                                                     liament  debate,  reflecting
            er’s daughter who was co-                                                                                           the schism in Jordanian so-
            erced into an abusive mar-                                                                                          ciety.
            riage  to  her  attacker  as  a                                                                                     Parliament’s legal commit-
            condition for getting out of                                                                                        tee had proposed amend-
            “protective” state custody.                                                                                         ing  Article  308  so  that  girls
            Her  assailant  never  served                                                                                       between  the  ages  of  15
            a day in jail.                                                                                                      and  18  would  be  able  to
            “Today I’m very happy that                                                                                          marry  their  rapists.  They
            this  law  was  cancelled,”                                                                                         portrayed  the  marriage
            said  the  49-year-old  moth-  Women activists protest in front Jordan’s parliament in Amman on Tuesday, August 1, 2017 with   option  as  a  way  to  pro-
            er of the teen, speaking on   banners calling on legislators to repeal a provision that allows a rapist to escape punishment if he   tect minors. When Mustafa
            condition  of  anonymity  to   marries his victim. Parliament is to vote on the proposed change to the penal code Tuesday. The   Khasawneh,  the  head  of
                                         banner in the middle in Arabic reads: Article 308 is a disgrace in the Jordanian justice system, the
            protect her daughter’s pri-  banner on the left says: Article 308 does not protect honor, it protects the culprit.   the  legal  committee,  pre-
            vacy since victims of sexual                                                                 (AP Photo/Reem Saad)   sented  those  arguments,
            assault  are  still  widely  stig-  Western  political  orienta-  other vote earlier this week  would  join  Tunisia,  Moroc-  activists  in  the  spectators’
            matized.                     tion  and  cosmopolitan  ur-  —  to  prevent  lenient  sen-  co and Egypt, which have   gallery  murmured  in  dis-
            “But at the same time, I’m   ban  elites,  many  areas  of  tences for those who kill in  canceled  their  “marry  the   agreement. Dima Barakat,
            heart-broken,”  she  said  in   Jordan remain socially con-  the name of “family honor”  rapist”  clauses  over  the   a leading activist, later said
            a phone interview. “Where    servative,  with  entrenched  —  must  still  be  approved  years. Tunisia’s repeal took   that  those  forcing  a  girl  to
            is  my  daughter’s  justice?”   notions  of  “family  honor.”  by parliament’s appointed  place  less  than  one  week   marry her rapist “are killing
            Women’s  rights  activists   This includes the belief that  upper  house  and  by  King  ago.                       this girl a thousand times a
            hailed Tuesday’s vote as a   having a rape victim in the  Abdullah II. Such approval  The international group Hu-   day, at least.”
            major victory after a years-  family is shameful, and that  is expected since the royal  man  Rights  Watch  called   The  attacker  “took  away
            long campaign, but said a    such  “shame”  can  be  ex-  court and the government  Tuesday’s  vote  “impres-       her  dignity,  her  honor  and
            long struggle lies ahead.    punged through marriage.     backed the reforms.          sive” and said other coun-   took  away  her  life,”  Bara-
            Despite  the  country’s  pro-  Tuesday’s decision and an-  With final approval, Jordan  tries  should  follow  Jordan   kat said. q

            No visa, no veil? Saudi Arabia may ease rules for tourists

            By AYA BATRAWY               conservative  norms  could  Press  request  for  more  de-  laws  on  par  with  interna-  the  project  is  headed  by
            Associated Press             be waived.                   tails  on  the  rules  that  will  tional standards.” The fund  Crown  Prince  Mohammed
            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-  The  Red  Sea  project  will  govern  tourists  at  the  Red  said the project will attract  bin  Salman,  the  young
            ates  (AP)  —  Saudi  Arabia  include  diving  attractions  Sea resort.                leading  names  in  hotel  prince  who  in  June  was
            plans  to  build  a  “semi-  and a nature reserve, with  The country’s Public Invest-  to  “bring  about  the  next-  named  heir  to  the  throne
            autonomous”        visa-free  some areas resembling the  ment  Fund  (PIF)  said  Mon-  generation  of  tourism  in  a  by  his  father  King  Salman.
            travel  destination  along  luxury hotels, islands and la-  day it will provide the seed  way  that  will  open”  Saudi  The  prince  is  overseeing  a
            its  northwestern  Red  Sea  goons of the Maldives. The  capital  to  develop  the  re-  Arabia’s  Red  Sea  coast-  dramatic  overhaul  of  the
            coast  where  restrictions  Saudi Commission for Tour-    sort  area,  explaining  that  line to tourists from around  economy  to  lessen  its  de-
            on  women’s  dress,  gen-    ism  did  not  immediately  the new “semi-autonomous  the  world.  The  sovereign  pendence on oil exports for
            der segregation and other  respond  to  an  Associated  area  will  be  governed  by  wealth  fund  developing  revenue. q
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