P. 6
Wednesday 2 august 2017
Man charged with killing Minnesota woman appears in court
MENDOTA HEIGHTS, Minn. Monday night. At a court said there is no known con- dished a gun at a woman an office door in a nearby
(AP) — The man who evad- appearance Tuesday in nection between Nguyen and demanded cash. Af- building, prosecutors said.
ed police for days after he Hastings, his bail was set at and Cory, who lived in Ma- ter crashing the car he was Officers found Cory dead
allegedly killed a Minne- $1.5 million without condi- plewood. driving, he then ran into a inside. An autopsy showed
sota financial adviser inside tions, or $1 million with con- A message left with the senior living center and she died of a single gun-
her suburban St. Paul office ditions. Nguyen is charged public defender who ap- forced an employee into a shot to the head.
made his first court appear- with murder in connection peared in court with Nguy- laundry room at gunpoint. Police then discovered that
ance Tuesday, hours after with the death of Beverly en was not immediately While officers were evacu- Cory’s car was missing. It
he was arrested in a north- Cory, 48. He also faces returned. Prosecutors said ating the center’s residents, was found Sunday at the
ern Twin Cities suburb. charges of aggravated Nguyen went into a house they got a report of what Washington County Fair-
Lucifer Nguyen, 44, of New robbery, burglary and kid- in the suburb of Mendota appeared to be blood grounds, about 16 miles (26
Hope, was arrested late napping. Authorities have Heights on Saturday, bran- seeping from underneath kilometers) away.q
Family of bullied girl to sue school district over suicide
By DAVID PORTER were “vile and malicious.”
Associated Press “For months she was told
ROSELAND, N.J. (AP) — The she was a loser, she had no
family of a 12-year-old New friends, and finally she was
Jersey girl who killed herself told, ‘Why don’t you kill
said Tuesday it will sue her yourself?’” he said.
school district for not step- Dianne Grossman said she
ping in to address the prob- and her husband pleaded
lem of cyberbullying. with school officials, to no
An attorney for the family avail.
of Mallory Grossman said “We feel we followed
he will file a notice of in- the school’s protocol,”
tent to sue the Rockaway she said. “We started low
Township school district for on the totem pole and
negligence. The notice is a worked our way up until it
required precursor to the fil- finally made its way to the
ing of a lawsuit. principal. Their words were,
Mallory took her own life ‘We’ll investigate it, we’ll
in June after months of look into it.’”
bullying by several of her She added, “I’m going to
classmates, in person and make the assumption the
Attorney Bruce Nagel, left, holds up a cell phone while Dianne, center, and Seth Grossman, par- through social media, her school did something, but
ents of Mallory Grossman, look on during a news conference in Roseland, N.J., Tuesday, Aug. 1, mother, Dianne Grossman, I’m also going to make
2017. The New Jersey mother is suing her late daughter’s school district because she says they said Tuesday. the assumption, based on
didn’t do enough to stop cyber bullying against her daughter that led the 12-year-old to kill her- Attorney Bruce Nagel said where we are today, that
self. some of the messages they didn’t do enough.”q
(AP Photo/Seth Wenig)
Driver charged in California bus wreck that killed 4 people
MERCED, Calif. (AP) — On violations of commercial bus “demonstrated a gross Morse said. minutes before the crash
a warm August morning regulations and repeated dereliction of the duty he The post sliced through the happened.
last year, charter bus driver cellphone use on the road owed not just to his passen- middle of the bus, crush- His commercial driver’s log
Mario David Vasquez was led Merced County District gers, but to every motorist ing rows of seats. Besides book that he was required
tired and talking on his cell- Attorney Larry D. Morse II on on Highway 99 that morn- the passengers who died, fill out showed he slept 6.5
phone as he weaved a Monday to file four felony ing,” Morse said in a state- several passengers who hours the previous day, but
white motor coach through counts of vehicular man- ment Tuesday announcing survived had to have limbs cellphone records suggest-
central California farmland slaughter and five misde- the charges.. amputated. ed he did not sleep that
shortly before barreling into meanor vehicle code vio- The wreck happened A California Highway Pa- much, Morse said. Vazquez
a pole, prosecutors said lations against Vasquez in when the bus heading on trol investigation found also violated laws linked to
Tuesday. Four people died, connection with the Aug. a state highway to Wash- Vasquez used cellphone the maximum driving time
many more suffered seri- 2, 2016 crash near the farm- ington state struck a large frequently while driving the allowed for commercial
ous injuries and the bus was ing town of Atwater. sign post head-on. Driver bus carrying 26 passengers drivers, Morse said.
nearly sliced in half. The violations while fatigue was believed to be through California, includ- Vazquez has 30 years of
Vasquez’s extreme fatigue, Vasquez was driving the a major factor in the crash, ing a call he was on a few bus driving experience. q