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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 2 august 2017
                 GOP shows signs of reaching out to Democrats on health care

                Continued from front                                                                                            on  stabilizing  insurance
            “It’s pretty obvious that our                                                                                       That would be a departure
            problem  with  health  care                                                                                         from  the  lack  of  hearings
            was  not  the  Democrats.                                                                                           when  McConnell  worked
            We didn’t have 50 Repub-                                                                                            behind  closed  doors  to
            licans,” McConnell told re-                                                                                         craft  various  versions  of
            porters.                                                                                                            the GOP’s health care bill,
            The  prospects  for  passing                                                                                        which were rejected by his
            bipartisan health care leg-                                                                                         chamber.
            islation  remain  uncertain,                                                                                        Alexander said he’s asked
            with   divisions   between                                                                                          Trump  to  make  the  pay-
            conservatives  and  moder-                                                                                          ments to insurers for August
            ate  Republicans  persisting                                                                                        and September to give his
            on several issues. In particu-                                                                                      panel time to write legisla-
            lar, Trump, McConnell and                                                                                           tion.  White  House  officials
            some  other  Republicans                                                                                            have  said  Trump  will  de-
            have  mocked  the  pay-                                                                                             cide  this  week  on  the  Au-
            ments Alexander wants to                                                                                            gust installment.
            renew as a bailout for insur-                                                                                       Sen. Patty Murray of Wash-
            ers.                                                                                                                ington  state,  the  health
            Nonetheless,   the   day’s                                                                                          panel’s   top   Democrat,
            comments collectively un-    Senate  Minority  Leader  Chuck  Schumer  of  N.Y.,  leads  fellow  Democratic  Senators  to  meet   embraced   Alexander’s
            derscored  the  distance     supporters outside the Capitol in Washington. Top Senate Republicans think it’s time to leave their   suggestions  for  extend-
                                         derailed drive to scrap the Obama health care law behind them. And they’re tired of the White
            Senate  Republicans  are     House prodding them to keep voting until they succeed.                                 ing  the  payments  and  for
            keeping from White House                                                            (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)  hearings.q
            demands that they contin-
            ue voting on repealing and   Congressional  Budget  Of-
            replacing President Barack   fice to estimate the impact
            Obama’s 2010 health care     of  GOP  bills  easing  some
            overhaul.  Erasing  that  law   of  the  party’s  proposed
            has been a top priority for   Medicaid  cuts,  making  it
            Trump and most GOP con-      easier  for  insurers  to  sell
            gressional candidates, and   bare-bones  policies  and
            failing to do it as they con-  giving  states  block  grants
            trol  the  White  House  and   for health programs.
            Congress    has   angered    Alexander said the legisla-
            many in the party.           tion he envisions would be
            Many    top    Republicans   “small, bipartisan and bal-
            have  said  it’s  time  for  the   anced.”  He  said  it  should
            GOP to move from health      include money to continue
            care to other issues.        the  insurance  payments
            McConnell  said  “there’s    in  2018  and  give  states
            still an opportunity” for Re-  more flexibility on the type
            publicans  to  push  health   of  coverage  insurers  must
            care  legislation  through   provide, he said.
            the Senate. He said he was   He  said  his  panel  would
            waiting for the nonpartisan   hold  hearings  next  month

            Senate confirms Christopher

            Wray, Trump’s choice for FBI

            By DONNA CASSATA             its  the  FBI  at  a  particularly
            Associated Press             challenging   time   given
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  Trump’s ousting of Comey,
            Senate  on  Tuesday  over-   who  was  admired  within
            whelmingly       confirmed  the bureau. “This is a tough
            Christopher  Wray  to  lead  time  to  take  this  tough
            the  FBI,  replacing  James  job,”  Sen.  Amy  Klobuchar,
            Comey, who was abruptly  D-Minn., said during a rela-
            fired  by  President  Donald  tively  low-key  Senate  de-
            Trump  amid  the  investiga-  bate  of  the  nomination.
            tion  into  Russian  meddling  “The  previous  FBI  director,
            in  last  year’s  presidential  as we know, was fired be-
            election. The vote was 92-5  cause  of  the  Russia  inves-
            for  Wray,  a  former  high-  tigation. The former acting
            ranking official in President  attorney general was fired.
            George  W.  Bush’s  Justice  And  we’ve  had  a  slew  of
            Department  who  oversaw  other firings throughout the
            investigations  into  corpo-  government  over  the  last
            rate fraud. Wray, 50, inher-  few months.” q
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