P. 2

               Wednesday 2 august 2017

            Tillerson concedes Russia ties are sour                                                  US to exempt journalists and aid

            By JOSH LEDERMAN             He was unable to show that  it  far  harder  for  Trump  to   workers from North Korean ban
            Associated Press             the  U.S.  has  fulfilled  Presi-  ease the penalties.      By MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  dent  Donald  Trump’s  ob-      “Neither  the  president  nor   WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration will al-
            top American diplomat put  jective of a new, more co-     I  are  very  happy  about     low  American  journalists,  Red  Cross  employees  and
            the  onus  on  Russia  Tues-  operative  relationship  be-  that,”  Tillerson  said  of  the   other humanitarian workers to apply for exemptions
            day to take steps to repair  tween the former Cold War  sanctions  bill.  The  diplo-    to a ban on travel to North Korea that is set to take
            flagging  relations  with  the  foes,  noting  only  modest  mat had urged lawmakers     effect in early September.
            United  States,  even  as  he  efforts in Syria as a sign the  not to proceed. “We were   In  documents  posted  online  Tuesday,  the  State  De-
            conceded that congressio-    nations  share  some  com-   clear  that  we  didn’t  think   partment said that in addition to journalists and aid
            nal  sanctions  would  pose  mon  goals.  While  he  said  that was going to be help-    workers,  Americans  whose  travel  to  North  Korea  “is
            a  new  obstacle.  Holding  frustrated  Americans  want  ful to our efforts, but that’s   otherwise in the national interest” will be considered
            out  hope  for  warmer  ties,  the  U.S.  to  get  along  with  the decision they made.”  for exemptions. The new regulations are to be pub-
            Secretary of State Rex Tiller-  the  nuclear-armed  pow-  Trump plans to sign the bill   lished on Wednesday in the Federal Register, which
            son said he’d meet with his  er,  he  did  not  address  the  nevertheless,  another  po-  posted  the  preview  documents  on  its  website.  The
            Russian  counterpart  within  deep  suspicions  at  home  tent  reminder  of  the  politi-  travel  ban  will  take  effect  on  Sept.  1,  30  days  after
                                                                                                     publication. The exemptions are contained in docu-
                                                                                                     ments that will accompany a formal announcement
                                                                                                     of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s determination to
                                                                                                     ban  U.S.  citizens  from  traveling  to  North  Korea.  The
                                                                                                     State Department announced last month that Tiller-
                                                                                                     son had decided to impose a “geographical travel
                                                                                                     restriction” on the use of U.S. passports to visit North
                                                                                                     Korea following the death in June of American uni-
                                                                                                     versity student Otto Warmbier, who fell into a coma
                                                                                                     while  in  North  Korean  custody.  “The  Department  of
                                                                                                     State  has  determined  that  the  serious  risk  to  United
                                                                                                     States  nationals  of  arrest  and  long-term  detention
                                                                                                     represents  imminent  danger  to  the  physical  safety
                                                                                                     of United States nationals traveling to and within the
                                                                                                     Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK),” says
                                                                                                     the Federal Register notice signed by Tillerson. “There-
                                                                                                     fore ... all United States passports are declared invalid
                                                                                                     for travel to, in or through the DPRK unless specially
                                                                                                     validated for such travel.” Violating the ban, which is
                                                                                                     authorized under the Passport Act of 1972 and will be
                                                                                                     in effect for one year unless revoked earlier, is a felony
                                                                                                     and punishable by a fine and up to 10 years in prison
                                                                                                     for a first offense. Publication of the exemption rules
                                                                                                     opens  a  21-day  period  for  the  public  to  offer  com-
             In this July 21, 2017 photo, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson speaks at the State Department in
             Washington.  Tillerson  says  neither  he  nor  President  Donald  Trump  is  “very  happy”  about  new   ments, although the administration is expected to go
             sanctions on Russia that Congress has voted to put in place.                            ahead with them regardless of opposition.
                                                                       (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)   Under the proposal, American professional journalists,
                                                                                                     representatives of the International Committee of the
            days.                        about  the  president’s  in-  cal baggage that has be-      Red Cross and American Red Cross, as well as Ameri-
            In  a  wide-ranging  assess-  tentions.  U.S.  intelligence  set  his  efforts  to  mend  ties   cans whose travel “is justified by compelling humani-
            ment of his first six months in  agencies  have  formally  to  Russia.  If  Trump  were   tarian considerations” or is “otherwise in the national
            office, Tillerson also:      accused Moscow of med-       to  veto  the  bill,  Congress   interest”  may  apply  for  a  special  validation  to  use
            —  Revealed  the  U.S.  is  dling in the 2016 presiden-   would  almost  surely  over-   their U.S. passport to visit North Korea. The validation
            looking  at  options  to  en-  tial election to help Trump.  ride his veto.              would apply to one round trip to the country.
            tice  Venezuelan  President  “The  situation  is  bad,  but  At a time when the FBI and   The  department  said  it  estimates  that  about  100
            Nicolas  Maduro  to  leave  believe  me  —  it  can  get  congressional  committees      Americans per year would apply for the exemption.
            power peacefully.            worse,”  Tillerson  said,  re-  are  investigating  possible   Applicants would have to submit standard personal
            —  Insisted  the  U.S.  doesn’t  counting  his  message  to  Trump  campaign  collusion   identification information along with a statement ex-
            blame China for North Ko-    Russian  President  Vladimir  with  Russia,  a  veto  over-  plaining  why  they  meet  the  exemption  criteria  sup-
            rea’s nuclear behavior de-   Putin  when  they  met  in  ride would make it look like    ported by documentary evidence, according to the
            spite  the  American  pres-  March. “And it just did.”    lawmakers  were  rejecting     Federal Register notice.
            sure on Beijing. He said the  Putin  this  week  ordered  a  Trump  effort  to  protect   The State Department announced on July 21 that Til-
            U.S.  is  open  to  talks  with  the  U.S.  to  dramatically  Moscow  from  U.S.  punish-  lerson had decided to go ahead with the ban amid
            Pyongyang.                   cut its diplomatic presence  ment.                          the fallout over Warmbier’s death as well as height-
            —  Argued  that  Iran’s  mili-  in  Russia,  solidifying  the  Though  the  White  House   ened  U.S.  concern  about  Pyongyang’s  recent  ad-
            tary  must  leave  Syria  for  conclusion  that  a  Trump-  said  the  bill  was  still  being   vancements in its nuclear weapons and ballistic mis-
            the U.S. to cooperate with  driven  detente  with  Mos-   reviewed,  press  secretary    sile programs. The U.S. already strongly warns Ameri-
            Russia on ending the Syrian  cow  hasn’t  come  to  pass.  Sarah  Huckabee  Sanders      cans against traveling to North Korea but has not until
            civil war.                   Though ostensibly in retalia-  said Trump will sign it. Vice   now prohibited trips, despite other sanctions targeting
            — Named retired Gen. An-     tion for a similar U.S. move  President Mike Pence, trav-   the  country.  Americans  who  venture  there  typically
            thony  Zinni  as  special  rep-  last  year  under  President  eling Tuesday in the former   travel from China, where several tour groups market
            resentative to try to resolve  Barack  Obama,  the  Rus-  Soviet  republic  of  Geor-    trips to adventure-seekers.
            the Persian Gulf diplomatic  sian  action  came  just  af-  gia, sought to reframe the   Figures on how many Americans visit North Korea are
            crisis over Qatar.           ter Congress voted to slap  sanctions as a “further sign    difficult for even the U.S. government to obtain, but
            But  on  Russia,  Tillerson  Russia with more economic  of  our  commitment”  to         organizers of guided tours to the country estimate be-
            strained hardest to point to  sanctions,  and  to  include  counter Russian aggression   tween 800 and 1,000 visit annually.q
            progress.                    new  requirements  making  in the region.q
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