P. 4
Wednesday 2 august 2017
2 California deputies wounded at Rastafarian church pot farm
pulling up marijuana plants iff’s spokeswoman Leslie
on a farm that supplies pot Carbagh said.
to a Rastafarian church, Police are searching the
authorities said. area for the shooter.
The shooter remained at Yuba County Sheriff’s de-
large, and the Yuba Coun- clined to release the names
ty deputies were in serious of the two deputies.
condition and undergoing The shooter’s name is un-
surgery at Sutter Roseville known, Carbagh said.
Medical Center in nearby Lepp said she knows the
Marysville. suspect only as “Sawyer,”
The shooting occurred and he showed up at the
in remote Oregon House farm about a month ago.
about 55 miles north of The property is owned by
Sacramento. a branch of Lepp’s church,
Sugarleaf Rastafarian she said.
Church leader Heidi Lepp Lepp said the property is
said she received a call between 20 and 40 acres
from church members who and that the church con-
live on the Oregon House siders marijuana a church
marijuana farm reporting sacrament.
that a newly arrived worker The shooting occurred a
had become erratic, was day after two police offi-
Officers search for a suspect after a shooting in Dobbins, Calif., Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2017. Two Cali- ripping up plants and hold- cers were shot and wound-
fornia sheriff’s deputies were shot and wounded after they responded to reports of an armed and ing a gun. ed nearly 200 miles south in
agitated man pulling up plants in the garden of a rural Rastafarian church, authorities said. The Lepp called the sheriff’s of- the central California city
shooter remained at large, and the Yuba County deputies were in serious condition and undergo- fice and told the men on of Los Banos during a strug-
ing surgery at Sutter Roseville Medical Center after the shooting in the rural community of Oregon the farm to immediately gle with a man who broke
House about 55 miles north of Sacramento.
(AP Photo/Sophia Bollag) vacate it, she said into his estranged wife’s
Deputies and a man ex- apartment.
DOBBINS, Calif. (AP) — Two were shot and wounded sponded to reports of an changed shots upon their Police fatally shot that
California sheriff’s deputies Tuesday after they re- armed and agitated man arrival, Yuba County Sher- shooter.q
Man charged with murder in shooting of Indiana officer
By RICK CALLAHAN sible motive in the killing. Brown then began maneu- gies of suspected marijua- ing. He suffered gunshot
Associated Press But a probable cause affi- vering around cars when na inside Brown’s car, ac- wounds to his face, left
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A davit filed with the charges his vehicle drove over a cording to the affidavit. arm and right clavicle and
man charged Tuesday in states that other officers median, struck a curb and Marion County Prosecutor remains hospitalized. He’s
the fatal shooting of a po- and witnesses said Allan overturned in the yard in Terry Curry said in a state- scheduled for a Thursday
lice officer in Indianapolis approached the over- front of a home, with Brown ment Tuesday that Allan’s initial court hearing on the
was dangling upside down turned car, stuck his head hanging upside down in- death was “a tragic loss for charges.
in his overturned car follow- inside and told Brown “to side, secured by his seat- the community.” A judge has ordered him
ing a crash when he sud- be calm and that help was belt. The passenger was Allan, a 38-year-old fa- held without bond. Court
denly became agitated as on the way.” The Indianap- outside the overturned car, ther of two, was a six-year records do not list an attor-
the officer tried to help him olis man became “hysteri- sitting on the grass, when veteran of the police de- ney for Brown.
and opened fire, striking the cal,” it states, before alleg- the shooting occurred. partment in Southport, an Brown doesn’t have an In-
officer 11 times, according edly grabbing a handgun A nurse who stopped to enclave on Indianapo- diana criminal record of
to court documents. and opening fire, shooting help told officers that she lis’ south side and he had violence. His only previous
Jason D. Brown, 28, was Allan 11 times, including in told Brown not to move nearly 20 years of law en- criminal conviction stems
charged Tuesday with the heart. because he could further forcement experience. from a 2013 misdemeanor
one felony count of mur- A man who was a passen- injure himself. She said that His funeral is scheduled for marijuana possession ar-
der in the July 27 slaying of ger in Brown’s car told of- Brown “became very agi- Saturday at Bankers Life rest in Hendricks County,
Southport police Lt. Aaron ficers he and Brown had tated and belligerent and Fieldhouse in downtown just west of Indianapolis, for
Allan. He also faces a mis- just left a gas station when began cussing” shortly be- Indianapolis. Brown was which he was sentenced to
demeanor marijuana pos- Brown inexplicably began fore she heard several gun- hospitalized after two oth- 30 days in jail, according to
session charge. Authorities driving at a high rate of shots ring out. er officers opened fire on a statewide online courts
haven’t disclosed a pos- speed, the affidavit states. Officers later found 13 bag- him following Allan’s shoot- database.q