Page 50 - MIN VOS JULY 20
P. 50

Philipine van Aanholt

achieves a 4th place ranking in the Laser
Radial and qualifies for the 2016 Olympic
Games in Rio

SATURDAY morning history was made for Aruba in           Laser Radial athletes participate the Central American  tremendous result. The entire Aruban delegation
2015 Pan American Games in Toronto when the Laser        Games gold medal winner, Philipine van Aanholt had      was very happy with these history making results.
Radial sailing athlete, Philipine van Aanholt qualified  to sail the most important event of the entire week     Congratulations to Philipine van Aanholt, her
for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.    for the possibility to win a medal and qualify for the  coaches, family members, COA and Aruba
It has only been a week since Nacra 17 sailing athletes  Olympic Games. This is exactly what van Aanholt did     Sailing Association and the entire Aruban
Nicole van der Velden and Thijs Visser qualified for     when she achieved her third place ranking that would    community thanks to the exceptional
the 2016 Rio Olympic Games during the world              make history.                                           presentation of Philipine in the
championship in Denmark.                                                                                         2015 Pan American Games in
Never before has an Aruban athlete qualified for the     In the total scores she sadly did not rank 3rd but 4th  Toronto.
olympic games but in just two weeks three sailing        right after Uruguay. Still it was a very joyful moment
athletes managed to qualify for the 2016 Rio Olympic     for Philipine and her coach who is also her dad,
Games. Saturday the medal race where the best 8          Mr. Cor van Aanholt. He was very excited with the

According to Government Mediator


a referendum as a
labor union

THE Government Mediator Mr.            In the referendum process the          way that they are given the right to
Anselmo Pontilius informed that        Government Mediator needs to           request a referendum.
this year there have been more         separately converse with both          During this period the employer
referendum requests compared to        parties, the employer and the          will be requested a list of all the
the entire 2014 year.                  labor union to be able to prevent a    employees stating their names and
FTA has requested a referendum         referendum.                            job description. This will determine
at Riu Palace casino and four other                                           if the union is to successfully pass
departments at the same hotel.         If the employer does not agree with    the first test, to confirm if the
FTA also requested a referendum        this process and prefers to follow     union can achieve 50%+1 of the
at the Deals on Wheels car rental      the legal road it could take 6 weeks   members.
business. STA labor union requested    before the referendum actually         If that is the case the Government
a referendum at the La Cabana          takes place.                           Mediator along with the union
House Keeping Department and a                                                and the employer will have to
construction company.                  According to Mr. Anselmo Pontilius     plan the details and organize the
                                       contrary to popular belief that        referendum.
There are about 5 referendum           only the labor unions can request
petition being prepared by Mr.         a referendum the employer is also      What also needs to be established
Anselmo Pontilius. When Mr.            allowed to request a referendum.       is the list of those eligible to vote.
Pontilius receives a petition he has   The union that requests a              Those in a management position
to public this to the press within 48  referendum has to hand in a list of    can be a member of the union
hours. If in any case the referendum   the employees of the company that      but cannot participate in the
will not be taking place the legal     have signed confirming that they       referendum according to
process is to talk to the employer     are a member of the labor union        Government Mediator Mr.
and concerned labor union.             within 14 work days. This is the only  Anselmo Pontilius.

8 LOCAL                                                                                                               Monday, July 20 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER
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