Page 39 - MIN.TTC 29 JULY,2015
P. 39
PEOPLE & ARTSWednesday 29 July 2015
Andrew McCarthy of
‘Pretty in Pink’ writes
young adult novel
NEW YORK (AP) — Andrew In this May 17, 2015 file photo, Trump dominates nightly news
McCarthy is taking a new Andrew McCarthy arrives at
step in his life as a writer — the at Disney Media Distribu-
a young adult novel. tion International Upfronts in
The actor known in the Burbank, Calif.
1980s for “Pretty In Pink”
and “St. Elmo’s Fire” has Associated Press
a deal with Algonquin
Young Readers for “Just Fly
Away,” the story of a teen-
age girl who learns her fa-
ther has had a son from an
extramarital affair.
The publisher announced
Monday that the book is
scheduled to be released
in the spring of 2017.
In recent years, McCarthy has written numerous travel es- on election, study shows
says, his work appearing in The New York Times and The
Wall Street Journal among other publications. He also DAVID BAUDER Trump was the focus of didacy. The network also
wrote a memoir about travel called “The Longest Way AP Television Writer 60 of them. The closest angered him during the
Home.”q NEW YORK (AP) — Since competitor was Jeb Bush past month by cancelling
the beginning of June, with 15 minutes. Tyndall its broadcast of the Miss
Mariah Carey to Donald Trump has re- counted five minutes for Universe pageant, owned
ceived more coverage Democratic front-runner by Trump, because of the
receive star on the on the broadcast network Hillary Clinton, although candidate’s comments on
evening newscasts than all that didn’t include stories Mexican immigration.
Hollywood Walk of Fame of the other candidates for about her government That corporate quarrel
president combined, with email while secretary of hasn’t seemed to affect
NEW YORK (AP) — Mariah his estranged former part- state. NBC News’ coverage of
ners at NBC giving him the NBC has devoted 35 min- Trump’s campaign, Tyndall
Carey will receive a star most attention. utes to Trump coverage, said. In general, “Nightly
The statistics offered by An- including his interview with News” has paid more on-
on the Hollywood Walk of drew Tyndall, a consultant Katy Tur. CBS had 16 min- air attention to the presi-
who studies the content of utes, Tyndall said. ABC’s dential campaign this
Fame next week. evening newscasts, is one “World News Tonight” had summer than either “World
snapshot of how Trump eight minutes of Trump News Tonight” or the “CBS
The Hollywood Chamber has seized the media’s at- coverage, six of them last Evening News,” he said.
tention to the detriment of week. “They haven’t gone out
of Commerce announced his rivals. The ABC, CBS and Trump had a longtime rela- of their way to attack
NBC evening newscasts tionship with NBC as host of him,” Tyndall said. “They
Monday that Carey will get spent 114 minutes on cam- “The Apprentice” though just cover him more.” NBC
paign coverage from the the network has cut ties declined to talk publicly
the 2,556th star on Aug. 5. beginning of June through with him on the show after about their campaign
the end of last week, and he announced his can- coverage.q
Guest speakers will include
directors Lee Daniels and
Brett Ratner, as well as Epic
Records CEO and long-
time Carey collaborator
L.A. Reid.
Carey is one of the most
successful acts in music.
She has 18 No. 1 hits on In this May 17, 2015 file photo,
the Billboard Hot 100 chart, Mariah Carey arrives at the
sold millions of albums and Billboard Music Awards in Las
won a number of awards, Vegas.
Associated Press
including five Grammys.
She recently launched a residency in Las Vegas where
she performs her No. 1 hits, including “Vision of Love,”
‘’Hero” and “We Belong Together.”q