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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 5 april 2018
            Review: Book shows Apollo 8 was a big risk for 3 astronauts

            By MICHAEL HILL              billing  among  astronauts                                                             Their wives knew it, too. Mar-
             Associated Press            for landing on the moon in                                                             ilyn  Lovell,  Susan  Borman
            The  first  astronauts  to  orbit  1969, but first someone had                                                      and Valerie Anders shared
            the moon ended their 1968  to  show  it  was  even  pos-                                                            all  of  their  husbands'  anxi-
            Christmas  Eve  television  sible to get there and back.                                                            ety  and  got  almost  none
            broadcast  with  a  personal  By  1968,  the  Soviets  ap-                                                          of their glory. Their fate was
            message for the people of  peared  poised  to  launch                                                               to keep brave faces for the
            Earth.                       and  deal  Americans  yet                                                              press photographers and to
            No  one  knew  what  the  another in a series of space-                                                             wait to hear their husbands'
            three  Apollo  8  astronauts  related  humiliations  dating                                                         voices on the squawk box-
            would say — not their wor-   back to Sputnik. NASA was                                                              es  installed  in  their  homes.
            ried  wives  240,000  miles  determined  to  get  there                                                             Just in case, Susan Borman
            away  nor  the  buttoned-    first,  even  if  it  meant  dra-                                                      sat at her kitchen table to
            down NASA engineers who  matically  compressing  the                                                                write  her  husband's  eu-
            meticulously planned every  timeline.                                                                               logy.  The  three  women
            moment of the high-stakes  Kurson's      conception-to-                                                             provide the most poignant
            mission to reach the moon  splashdown  reporting  had                                                               moments  in  the  book.  The
            before the Soviets.          the  cooperation  from  the                                                            book  starts  slowly  as  Kur-
            With  the  moon  showing  astronauts and their wives,                                                               son  tracks  the  astronauts
            on  TV  screens,  Bill  Anders  giving  him  invaluable  de-                                                        through  their  boyhoods,
            began reading: "In the be-   tails of what happened in-                                                             courtships  and  military  ca-
            ginning,  God  created  the  side the astronaut's capsule                                                           reers. But the gruff and no-
            heaven  and  the  Earth  ..."  and  in  their  homes  below.                                                        nonsense Borman pops off
            Then  Jim  Lovell  and  Frank  Most readers already know                                                            the  page  once  they  start
            Borman  followed  by  read-  how  the  mission  turned                                                              planning  for  the  mission.
            ing  a  few  lines  each  from  out  (success!),  but  Kurson                                                       Borman argued with NASA
            the  book  of  Genesis.  The  builds  suspense  around  a                                                           mission planners who want-
            plain  voices  reading  the  mind-bendingly    complex                                                              ed  more  lunar  orbits  than
            Bible's creation story made  and dangerous journey.                                                                 he  thought  was  prudent.
            grown  men  weep,  Kurson  One  NASA  official  ex-                                                                 Planners  offered  12  orbits.
            writes,  and  sent  people  plained  that  with  Apollo                                                             Borman  said  10  would  be
            outside to peer at the sky in  8's  5.6  million  parts  and                                                        better.  Planners  told  him
            wonder.                      1.5  million  systems,  even  if                                                       10 orbits would result a pre-
            Sweet  moments  like  this  the  mission  went  99.9  per-                                                          dawn splashdown on Earth.
            punctuate  this  mostly  en-  cent  right, there would  be                                                          If the parachutes malfunc-
            grossing  book  about  the  5,600    defects.   Borman,                                                             tioned,  no  one  could  see
            historic but sometimes over-  Lovell and Anders knew full   This  cover  image  released  by  Random  house  shows  "Rocket   what  happened.  Borman
            looked  Apollo  8  mission.  well  there  was  a  very  real   Men: The Daring Odyssey of Apollo 8 and the Astronauts Who   replied  that  if  the  chutes
            Neil  Armstrong  and  com-   chance  the  tiny  capsule   Made Man's First Journey to the Moon," by Robert Kurson.    didn't  work,  they'd  all  die
            pany  will  always  get  top  could become their tomb.                                             Associated Press   anyway.q

             Dierks Bentley wants to celebrate women at ACMs

            By KRISTIN M. HALL           Bentley  is  hardly  the  worst                                                        co-hosting   the   awards
            NASHVILLE,  Tenn.  (AP)  —  offender  of  lyrical  stereo-                                                          show, as he has for the past
            Country  star  Dierks  Bentley  typing  in  Nashville,  but  he                                                     two years with Luke Bryan.
            hopes  that  his  new  single  knows he's got a bit of rep-                                                         Longtime host Reba McEn-
            reminds  people  that  he's  utation for songs like "Some-                                                          tire has returned this year to
            not  always  singing  about  where on a Beach," ''Drunk                                                             host the show and Bentley
            being drunk on a plane, or  on a Plane," and "Am I the                                                              is just fine with that, frankly.
            being  a  beach  bum  look-  Only One," with the regret-                                                            "Speaking candidly, I don't
            ing for a rebound.           table  lyrics:  "country  cutie                                                        really see myself as a host,"
            Bentley's new song, "Wom-    with a rock and roll bootie."                                                          Bentley said. "I am more of
            an,  Amen,"  is  a  rousing,  "'Woman, Amen' is hopeful-                                                            just an artist and performer
            drum-driven     celebration  ly  really  tipping  the  scales                                                       and songwriter. That's really
            of the kind of women that  back  into  more  of  a  level                                                           what I like doing."
            aren't  typically  profiled  in  playing field," Bentley said.                                                      He  said  he  had  fun  doing
            country songs. And he'll be  "I  am  definitely  guilty  of                                                         the  comedy  and  skits  and
            using the song to highlight  some songs just to party to."                                                          working with Bryan, but he's
            real women during his per-   Bentley  is  asking  fans  to   In this Nov. 8, 2017 file photo, Dierks Bentley, left, and his wife   trying to focus his career on
            formance at the Academy  submit  pictures  and  stories   Cassidy Black arrive at the 51st annual CMA Awards in Nash-  what's  really  important  to
            of Country Music Awards in  on  social  media  with  the   ville, Tenn.                                             him.
            Las Vegas on April 15.       tag    #WomanAmenACM                                                  Associated Press   "I just try to strip away stuff
            "I think it helps counter out  of  exceptional  women  in                                                           that's not what I really love
            some  of  the  other  songs  I  their lives who deserve rec-  and getting emotional.   to me, that's concrete and  doing," Bentley said. "I have
            have had out there," Bent-   ognition, which will be part  "It's a song about celebrat-  identifiable  be  taken  by  tried to break my life down
            ley said recently as he was  of  the  performance  being  ing a woman in my life and  fans  and  they  can  use  it  into  either  a  huge  yeah,
            preparing to shoot the mu-   aired  on  CBS.  Bentley  said  several  women  in  my  life,"  in a way that's universal to  like 'Yes, I can't wait to do
            sic  video  in  Nashville,  Ten-  his wife, Cassidy, has been  Bentley said. "I love seeing  them."                 that.' Or no. And just make
            nessee.                      looking  at  the  submissions  a song that's very personal  This  year  Bentley  won't  be  it easy."q
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