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P. 9

                                                                                                                 Thursday 22 October 2015

Vatican denies pope is in ill
health after media reports

NICOLE WINFIELD               ries are completely false.”     A plume of smoke rises from a camp for migrants near Slovenia’s border with Croatia, in Brezice,
DANIELA PETROFF               Lombardi dismissed the          Slovenia, Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015. It was not clear what caused the fire that has broken out in
Associated Press              reports to journalists          the camp which is housing thousands of migrants, including women and children.
VATICAN CITY (AP) — The       Wednesday, issuing three
Vatican on Wednesday          separate and increasingly                                                                                                           (AP Photo/Matej Leskovsek)
denied Pope Francis is in     exasperated denials as
ill health, saying his head   the day wore on and after        Angry migrants burn tents in Slovenia
is “absolutely perfect” af-   consulting with the pope
ter an Italian newspaper      himself, who appeared in        AMER COHADZIC                    the north had waded the        Ari Omar, an Iraqi, who was
reported he has a small,      fine form during his weekly     Associated Press                 previous night through the     resting in a Slovenian pas-
curable brain tumor. The      general audience.               BREZICE, Slovenia (AP) —         Sutla River, which marks the   ture a few hundred meters
Japanese brain cancer         Lombardi said no Japa-          After too many days and          border between Slovenia        (yards) from the border
specialist identified in the  nese doctor had visited         nights stuck outside in the      and Croatia, in frigid condi-  with Croatia. “We did not
report as having made the     the pope, the pope had          rain and cold, tempers are       tions made worse by their      think Europe is like this: no
diagnosis denied having       not traveled to Pisa for        fraying among the tens of        soaked clothes. Sometimes      respect for refugees, not
ever examined the pon-        treatment, that no heli-        thousands of migrants try-       in the pitch dark, at other    treating us with dignity.
tiff. The Vatican spokes-     copters had landed in the       ing to get through the Bal-      times aided by light from a    Why is Europe like this?”
man, the Rev. Federico        Vatican from the outside        kans to the heart of Europe.     police helicopter’s search-    More than 21,500 people
Lombardi, said the report     and that no tests as de-        A fire at the main refugee       light, more than 1,000 souls   have crossed that frontier
in the National Daily was     scribed in the newspaper        camp on Slovenia’s border        strode chest-deep into the     in the five days since Hun-
“completely unfounded         had been performed on           with Croatia destroyed a         muddy waters on the Croat      gary — the previous fa-
and seriously irresponsi-     the pope.                       dozen lime green army-           side and struggled up the      vored EUentry point for mi-
ble,” as well as “absolutely  However, he didn’t spe-         issue tents Wednesday as         muddy embankment into          grants crossing the Balkans
inexcusable and uncon-        cifically deny that the         scores of mostly young           Slovenia.                      — closed its borders with
scionable.” The Vatican       pope had a brain tumor,         male migrants nearby             Many migrants from the         Croatia and forced the hu-
newspaper suggested the       issuing only specific deni-     chanted, “Let us go! Let us      Middle East, Asia and Af-      man tide further west into
timing of the publication     als about irrelevant details    go!” While the government        rica expressed bewilder-       Slovenia. This Alpine coun-
smacked of an attempt         such as helicopter trips.       said it was still investigating  ment and disappointment        try of barely 2 million says it
to manipulate the out-        “I can confirm that the         the cause, police at the         because they had been          cannot cope with the vol-
come of a hotly contest-      pope is in good health,”        scene told The Associated        told as they began their       ume of human traffic and is
ed meeting on family is-      Lombardi said. “If you          Press that migrants had set      journeys in Turkey that the    appealing for  EU  financial
sues at the Vatican. Citing   were in the piazza this         a stack of UNHCR-supplied        hard part would end once       and security aid. Lawmak-
unnamed nursing sources,      morning you would have          blankets deliberately on         they reached  EUcountries      ers passed an emergency
the National Daily said       seen that as well. And if       fire to protest conditions in    like Croatia and Slovenia.     bill permitting Slovenia’s
the 78-year-old pope          you go on the trips with        the camp on the outskirts        Many had expected other        military to operate more
had been examined by          him, you know he has a          of Brezice.                      countries to permit them       freely along the border,
a Japanese brain cancer       small problem with his          Many of those demand-            free passage to wealthier      and more than 200 troops
specialist, Dr. Takanori Fu-  legs, but his head is abso-     ing to leave the Slovenian       western countries, particu-    were deployed Wednes-
kushima, who determined       lutely perfect.”                border town for Austria,         larly Germany, that they       day in armored personnel
that the small dark spot      The newspaper’s editor,         Germany and other Eu-            hope to make home.             carriers at several crossing
on Francis’ brain was a tu-   Andrea Cangini, said he         ropean Union nations to          “I am sorry for Europe,” said  points and camps. q
mor that could be treated     stood by the story. In an
without surgery. It said Fu-  interview with The Asso-
kushima had traveled to       ciated Press, he said the
the Vatican from a clinic     newspaper worked for
in Pisa to examine the        months to cross-check
pope.                         the information with vari-
The ANSA news agency,         ous sources from different
citing unnamed sources        places, and that there
in Pisa, said Fukushima       was “not the minimum
traveled to the Vatican in    doubt” that it was true.
January and diagnosed         Without going into de-
the pope then.                tails about Francis’ medi-
In a statement issued late    cal chart, Cangini said
Wednesday by Duke Uni-        the tumor is small, can be
versity in North Carolina,    treated pharmacologi-
Fukushima said: “I have       cally and is in an area of
never medically exam-         the brain that isn’t difficult
ined the pope. These sto-     to work around. q
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