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                                                                                                                                     Tuesday 29 March 2016

Obamas host final White House Easter Egg Roll 

KEVIN FREKING                   President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama act out monsters as they read “Where                                       Lawn of the White House,
Associated Press                the Wild Things Are,” to children at the White House Easter Egg Roll on the South lawn at the White                             rain or shine. Beyonce, Jay-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Call-         House in Washington, Monday, March 28, 2016.                                                                                    Z and daughter Blue Ivy
ing the moment bitter-                                                                                                                                          were among them.
sweet, President Barack                                                                                                               (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)  Fortunately, the sun broke
Obama and first lady Mi-                                                                                                                                        through mid-morning after
chelle Obama welcomed           the Wild Things Are,” a       ball court, giving out hugs     ball back and forth with                                          a night of scattered rain
thousands of children to        classic from 1963, and the    and handing balls to kids.      a young woman. Then                                               showers. In the afternoon,
the South Lawn of the White     Obamas acted some of          He missed his shot as re-       he switched to doubles,                                           the White House was on a
House Monday morning for        the story out, marching en-   tired NBA players Shaquille     teaming up with a boy in                                          heightened security alert
the final Easter Egg Roll of    thusiastically with the kids  O’Neal and Jason Collins        a bright green shirt as his                                       after a gunman fired shots
his presidency.                 as he read the line “let the  looked on.                      playing partner.                                                  in the U.S. Capitol complex.
The egg rolling began in        wild rumpus start!”           The president also tried his    More than 35,000 people                                           The Secret Service took
1878. Now the event in-         Obama couldn’t resist         hand at tennis, lobbing a       received tickets that allow                                       a routine, precautionary
cludes storytelling, musi-      heading to the basket-        bright orange and yellow        them to walk on the South                                         measure of closing the
cal performances and tips                                                                                                                                       north and south fence lines
from professional athletes                                                                                                                                      of the White House com-
on how to play basketball,                                                                                                                                      plex, but activities on the
tennis and other sports.                                                                                                                                        South Lawn continued as
There are even cooking                                                                                                                                          normal.
demonstrations and yoga.                                                                                                                                        The theme of this year’s
This year,                                                                                                                                                      event is “Let’s celebrate.”
 the first lady added a fun                                                                                                                                     The first lady said she want-
run to the mix.                                                                                                                                                 ed to celebrate families
“I’m going to be running                                                                                                                                        and the nation in what will
around the White House                                                                                                                                          be the couple’s last Easter
with a bunch of kids and                                                                                                                                        in office.
any adults who feel like                                                                                                                                        “It’s our diversity. It’s
they can hang,” the first                                                                                                                                       our values,” the first
lady told the crowd as the                                                                                                                                      lady said. “That’s what
president jokingly signaled                                                                                                                                     makes us strong.”
in the background that the                                                                                                                                      The fun run is intended to
run wasn’t for him.                                                                                                                                             highlight the first lady’s
The Obamas spoke from a                                                                                                                                         “Let’s Move!” initiative,
balcony that overlooks the                                                                                                                                      which focuses on reducing
lawn with dogs Bo and Sun-                                                                                                                                      childhood obesity. She also
ny and the Easter Bunny at                                                                                                                                      promised dancing: “We’ve
their side.                                                                                                                                                     got a little “whip” and a
                                                                                                                                                                little “nae nae” — or how-
 They then went out into                                                                                                                                        ever you do it,” she said,
the crowd for some hands-                                                                                                                                       providing a brief example
on play. The president read                                                                                                                                     of how the dance is done.
the children’s book, “Where

At Press Time:

    Man shot by police after drawing weapon at US Capitol 

ERICA WERNER                    officers, Capitol Chief of    this is anything more than      with tourists.                                                    and her family were tour-
Associated Press                Police Matthew R. Verdero-    a criminal act,” Verderosa      Cathryn Leff of Temecula,                                         ing the Capitol and were
WASHINGTON (AP) — Capi-         sa told reporters. However,   said. Initial reports said a    California, in town to lobby                                      in the Senate visitors’ gal-
tol Police shot a man on        he would not confirm re-      police officer was injured      with the California Associa-                                      lery when she heard police
Monday after he pulled a        ports that it was the same    but they proved erroneous.      tion of Marriage and Family                                       officers’ radios start talking
weapon at a  U.S. Capitol       man who disrupted the         Capitol office buildings and    Therapists, said she was go-                                      about shots being fired.
checkpoint. The suspect         House chamber last fall by    the Capitol itself were re-     ing through security at the                                       “Sure, we were worried,”
was taken to a local hospi-     shouting.                     opened for business about       main entrance to the Capi-                                        she said. “But there were
tal and a female bystander      That man, Larry Dawson,       an hour after the initial re-   tol Visitors Center when po-                                      lots of kids around so we
sustained non-life-threaten-    was issued a “stay away or-   ports of gunfire. The Visitors  lice told people to leave                                         didn’t make too big a deal
ing injuries.                   der” by D.C. Superior Court   Center where the shooting       immediately. Outside, on                                          of it.” Smith was visiting with
The  U.S. Capitol was on        in October, ordering him to   occurred remained closed        the plaza just to the east of                                     her husband, William, and
lockdown for about an hour      keep away from the Capi-      as the incident was being       the Capitol, other officers                                       children Ian, 9, and Evan, 4.
and the White House also        tol grounds, court docu-      investigated. Visitors were     told those there to “get                                          From back home in their
was briefly locked down. As     ments show. The event         being turned away from          down behind this wall,” she                                       districts, many lawmakers
Washington teemed with          unfolded with Congress        the Capitol as emergency        said. “I heard what sound-                                        got in touch with staff to
spring tourists in town to      on recess and lawmakers       vehicles flooded the street     ed like two shots off to my                                       ensure all were safe, and
view the cherry blossoms,       back in their districts. “We  and the plaza on the build-     left.” After a while, police                                      posted thanks on Twitter as
staff members and visitors      do believe this is an act of  ing’s eastern side. Police,     told her and others to keep                                       it appeared they were.
to the Capitol were rushed      a single person who has       some carrying long guns,        running. “I felt like I was in                                    Earlier in the day, officials
into offices and told to shel-  frequented the Capitol        cordoned off the streets        a movie. It didn’t feel real                                      conducted an unrelated
ter in place.                   grounds before and there      immediately around the          at all.” Amanda Smith of                                          shelter-in-place drill at the
The suspect was known to        is no reason to believe that  building, which were thick      Columbus, Ohio, said she                                          Capitol.
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