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WORLD NEWSTuesday 29 March 2016
Belgian police hunt airport suspect; victim toll rises to 35
JOHN DAHLBURG Pigeons take flight as tourists feed them in the Grand Place in Brussels, Monday, March, 28, 2016. Belgian authorities also an-
Associated Press As the number of victims in the Brussels suicide attacks rose to 35, Belgian police released a video
BRUSSELS (AP) — As the of a mysterious man in a dark hat seen in the company of the bombers who attacked Brussels nounced that three more
number of victims in the Airport, indicating that he is still at large.
Brussels suicide attacks people swept up in police
rose to 35, Belgian police (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)
released a video of a mys- raids that followed the at-
terious man in a dark hat revealed there were no “If you recognize this indi- from.
seen in the company of the grounds to keep Faycal C. vidual or you have informa- Jamal Ikazban, a member tacks on the airport and
bombers who attacked in custody and he was re- tion concerning this attack, of the Molenbeek coun-
Brussels Airport, indicating leased, the Belgian Federal please contact investiga- cil, tweeted Monday that on a Brussels subway train
that he is still at large. Prosecutor’s Office said. tors,” police asked. young people in the neigh-
“Police are seeking to iden- The Belgian Federal Po- Tensions remain high in the borhood were being sent were being held on charg-
tify this man,” the Belgian lice’s website posted a city, particularly in the Brus- text messages by recruiters.
Federal Police’s website 32-second video of the still- sels suburb of Molenbeek, Ikazban did not provide fur- es of participating in terror-
said Monday. unidentified suspect as he where several of those in- ther details, beyond writing
The video’s release came wheels baggage through volved in both the attacks that “We must ensure these ist activities.
as a Belgian magistrate the terminal alongside the on Brussels and those in recruiters can do no more
also ruled that a man iden- bombers. Paris last November, hailed damage.” It was not clear if the sus-
tified as Faycal C., who
was arrested during the po- pects ordered held by an
lice raids that followed the
March 22 attacks, could be investigating judge were
released. linked to the attacks them-
Faycal C. was among selves. The three — identi-
those taken into custody fied by Belgian prosecutors
and facing preliminary ter- as Yassine A., Mohamed B.
ror charges. Belgian me- and Aboubaker O. — were
dia reported the man was detained during 13 police
the mysterious suspect in searches Sunday in Brussels
the white jacket and dark and the northern cities of
hat spotted with the two Mechelen and Duffel.
bombers at the airport the The federal prosecutors’ of-
morning of the attacks. fice provided no details of
But the Belgian magistrate the alleged actions com-
ruled that new evidence mitted by the suspects and
uncovered by investigators released a fourth person
without charge.
Greece to set up loudspeakers at border camp The bombings, the bloodi-
est in recent Belgian histo-
D. GATOPOULOS — nearly a third of the total strain and living in difficult Greece and Serbia till the ry, were claimed by the Is-
E. BECATOROS stranded in Greece — are conditions are receiving end of the year because of lamic State extremist group
Associated Press refusing to move to govern- false reports ... when peo- the ongoing migrant crisis. and confirmed Belgium’s
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — ment-built shelters around ple are desperate, rumors The vote allows continued status as an unwitting rear
The Greek government the country, and remain spread like wildfire,” Kyritsis deployment of the army base from which Muslim ex-
said Monday it will set up at the border with Mace- told state television. along the border with tremists can stage attacks
loudspeakers at the coun- donia and at the port of “We are sending a team of Greece to patrol a recently in Europe. Many of those
try’s border with Macedo- Piraeus, near Athens. translators (to the border) built fence that lines the responsible for the Nov. 13
nia to try and persuade A spokesman for a govern- and loudspeakers will be frontier. attacks in Paris that killed
thousands of refugees and ment refugee crisis com- set up to make public an- Over the weekend, 130 people and wounded
migrants to ignore false ru- mittee said authorities were nouncements,” he said. Greece’s armed forces hundreds came from Bel-
mors that the Balkan route struggling to counter false Macedonia’s parliament, set up more shelter places gium.
to central Europe will re- rumors on social media meanwhile, voted Monday at various sites around the Four more people wound-
open. that borders could reopen. to extend the state of emer- country. q ed in the Brussels attacks
More than 15,000 people “People who are under gency in regions bordering died in the hospital, Belgian
Health Minister Maggie De
Block announced on her
Twitter account Monday.
She posted: “Four patients
deceased in hospital. Med-
ical teams did all possible.
Total victims: 35. Courage
to all the families.”
De Block had reported
over the weekend that 101
of the 270 wounded in the
blasts were still being treat-
ed in hospitals, including 32
in burn units. q