Page 11 - Aruba Today
P. 11

                                                                                                                                Tuesday 29 March 2016

Gangs in El Salvador make purported truce offer 

Soldiers guard a corner in a gang-controlled neighborhood                    been considering a kind of     mer guerrilla Raul Mijango       Officials said they would not
in Ilopango, El Salvador. A video broadcast by local media                   limited state of emergency     said, “I had received infor-     negotiate with the gangs.
this weekend, purportedly made by the country’s main street                  in some areas, and is plan-    mation that (the gangs)          Eugenio Chicas, the
gangs, is offering an end to killings, and asks the government               ning to release some non-      were going to release            spokesman for President
not to continue an anti-gang offensive. Officials said they would            gang inmates to free up        some kind of message, that       Salvador Sanchez Ceren,
not negotiate with the gangs.                                                prison space and liberate      they had that idea.” Mi-         wrote in his Twitter account
                                                                             police to fight the gangs.     jango has served as a truce      that “this administration will
                                               (AP Photo/Salvador Melendez)  “We have ordered all of        negotiator in the past.          not grant any truce in the
                                                                             our people ... to halt all     The gangs may be trying to       fight against criminals, and
                                                                             types of homicides nation-     pressure the government          will apply the necessary
                                                                             wide,” said the man who        into negotiating a truce like    measures to protect the
                                                                             appears in the video, “to      one in 2012, during which        population.”
                                                                             demonstrate to the pub-        homicide rates fell notably.     The video included veiled
                                                                             lic, the government and        That truce has since fallen      warnings, claiming the
                                                                             international agencies in      apart. According to offi-        gangs “have the tools to
                                                                             our country that there is no   cial statistics, at least 6,657  destroy the politics of this
                                                                             need to implement mea-         people were killed last year     country” and said “we
                                                                             sures that only violate our    in El Salvador. The country      want to make the govern-
                                                                             constitution.”                 had an overall annual ho-
                                                                             There was no immediate         micide rate of around 103        ment aware that it cannot
                                                                             confirmation of the authen-    per 100,000 inhabitants, El
                                                                             ticity of the video, but for-  Salvador’s highest ever.         eliminate the gangs, be-

                                                                                                                                             cause we are part of the

                                                                                                                                             community in this country.”

SAN SALVADOR, El Salva-         local media this weekend,
                                a masked man claimed to
dor (AP) — A video pur-         make the offer on behalf
                                of the Mara Salvatrucha
portedly made by El Sal-        gang and two factions of
                                the Barrio 18 gang.
vador’s main street gangs       The video said killings were
is offering an end to killings  ordered stopped as of Sat-
in the country, and asks the    urday, to show the gov-
government not to contin-       ernment it didn’t have to
ue an anti-gang offensive.      implement get-tough poli-
El Salvador suffered grow-      cies. The government has
ing gang violence since a
2012 gang truce fell apart.
In the video broadcast by

Guyana plans for ‘capital
towns’ in border regions 

Associated Press                tion parties and the previ-
GEORGETOWN, Guyana              ous administration had de-
(AP) — Guyana’s govern-         layed local elections since
ment plans to establish sev-    1994. They are supposed to
eral new jungle capitals on     be held every three years.
the border regions with its     Some municipalities were
South American neighbors        operating without quorums
as it moves to develop its      of elected officials as many
mineral-rich interior, the      had died, migrated or re-
office of President David       signed in disgust over the
Granger said this weekend.      state of affairs.
Granger said that local         Granger said that newly
elections held two weeks        elected executives will col-
ago will allow authorities      laborate with the govern-
to establish what they call     ment to establish “capital
“capital towns” in border       towns” and properly ad-
regions to establish control    minister them, bring order
and become “motors of           and unleash their econom-
business” in the west and       ic potential.
north near Venezuela and        “Towns must become mo-
in the southwest near Brazil.   tors of business”, Granger
Bickering among opposi-         said.q
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