Page 15 - Aruba Today
P. 15

                                                                                                                  Tuesday 29 March 2016

Loyal Island Visitors Honored at Aruba Beach Club

ORANJESTAD - Recently the      20-to-34 consecutive years.  ing on Aruba and staying
Aruba Tourism Authority        The honorees were Mr.        at the Aruba Beach Club is
had the great pleasure of      Richard and Mrs. Cynthia     like being home for them.
honoring a very loyal cou-     Bishop Weisbaum.             The certificate was pre-
ple as Goodwill Ambassa-       Richard and Cynthia are      sented by Mr. Mr. Ricardo
dors at Aruba Beach Club.      regular guests at the Aruba  Croes representing the
The symbolic honorary title    Beach Club and they love     Aruba Tourism Authority to-
is presented in the name       Aruba very much because      gether with Shahaira Morris
of the Minister of Tourism as  of the friendly people, the  from the Aruba Beach Club
a token of appreciation to     climate, beaches, restau-    team.q
guests who visit Aruba for     rants, relaxation and be-
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