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   SPORTSTuesday 29 March 2016

Serena Williams upset by Kuznetsova in 3 sets at Miami Open 

STEVEN WINE                      Svetlana Kuznetsova, of Russia, returns to Serena Williams during their match at the Miami Open  but also had nine double
AP Sports Writer                                                                                                                  faults and was broken six
KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (AP)          tennis tournament, Monday, March 28, 2016, in Key Biscayne, Fla.                                 times.
— Serena Williams had                                                                                                             Williams said the 91-degree
been out of the tourna-          									                                                          Associated Press              temperature — a record
ment for less than 20 min-                                                                                                        for the date — didn’t faze
utes when she climbed into       more solid than me.”         the round of 16.                      sian finished with only 18    her.
her white Mini Cooper with       Murray’s elimination leaves  The No. 15-seeded                     unforced errors to 55 for     “Physically I’m fine,” she
the checkerboard top and         the tournament without       Kuznetsova beat Williams              Williams.                     said. “I don’t know, I guess I
pulled away from the play-       four of the five top-seeded  with defense, repeatedly              In addition, Williams’ serve  didn’t move today. Maybe
ers’ parking lot, fastening      men. Among them only No.     extending points until she            was uncharacteristically      that was one of the things
her seat belt as she drove.      1 Novak Djokovic reached     forced a mistake. The Rus-            unreliable. She hit 13 aces   that didn’t work out for
A hasty departure, for sure.                                                                                                      me.” Kuznetsova, 30, won
Williams’ 20-match win-                                                                                                           Key Biscayne 10 years ago
ning streak at Key Biscayne                                                                                                       and is into the quarterfinals
ended Monday with a 6-7                                                                                                           for the first time since 2009.
(3), 6-1, 6-2 loss to Svetlana                                                                                                    “I’m too old,” she told the
Kuznetsova in the fourth                                                                                                          crowd. “I’ve been many
round of the upset-filled                                                                                                         times on this court. I love
Miami Open.                                                                                                                       being back here, and I’m
Williams was bidding for                                                                                                          really happy with my per-
her ninth title in the event                                                                                                      formance.”
and her fourth in a row. But                                                                                                      Also sidelined were No. 3
after a grueling first set that                                                                                                   seed Agnieszka Radwan-
lasted nearly an hour, the                                                                                                        ska and No. 4 Garbine Mu-
21-time Grand Slam cham-                                                                                                          guruza. Two-time cham-
pion faded on a sweltering                                                                                                        pion Victoria Azarenka,
afternoon.                                                                                                                        seeded 13th, committed
It was her earliest exit at                                                                                                       only 12 unforced errors
Key Biscayne since 2000,                                                                                                          and defeated Muguruza
when she lost in the fourth                                                                                                       7-6 (6), 7-6 (4). No. 19 Timea
round to Jennifer Capriati.                                                                                                       Bacsinszky eliminated Rad-
“I did the best I could,” she                                                                                                     wanska 2-6, 6-4, 6-2.
said during a postmatch                                                                                                           Williams lives 90 minutes
news conference that                                                                                                              from Key Biscayne and has
lasted less than three min-                                                                                                       long considered the event
utes before she cut it off.                                                                                                       her home tournament. But
“I can’t win every match.                                                                                                         the stadium was two-thirds
These players come out                                                                                                            empty for her match, partly
and play me like they’ve                                                                                                          because of weather so un-
never played before in                                                                                                            comfortable some spec-
their lives. I have to be 300                                                                                                     tators draped towels over
percent every day.”                                                                                                               their heads seeking refuge
Williams, 34, will retain                                                                                                         from the sweltering sun.
the No. 1 ranking, but she                                                                                                        Williams played a flaw-
hasn’t won a tournament                                                                                                           less tiebreaker, hitting two
since earning her 69th title                                                                                                      aces and three other win-
at Cincinnati in August.                                                                                                          ners. But after she lost serve
“She’s still No. 1, and she                                                                                                       to fall behind 3-1 in the sec-
still plays great,” Kuznetso-                                                                                                     ond set, her play became
va said. “I don’t see much                                                                                                        more flat-footed. At least
to be depressed about.”                                                                                                           twice she failed to pursue
A wave of upsets contin-                                                                                                          shots from Kuznetsova.
ued on the men’s side,                                                                                                            In the third set Williams tried
too, with No. 2 Andy Mur-                                                                                                         hitting balls as hard as she
ray dropping the final five                                                                                                       could, and some went for
games against No. 26 Grig-                                                                                                        winners. But she double-
or Dimitrov to lose 6-7 (1),                                                                                                      faulted to fall behind 4-1,
6-4, 6-3.                                                                                                                         and Kuznetsova held twice
Murray played in the late                                                                                                         to close out the victory.
afternoon and declined                                                                                                            There was no smiling by
to blame the heat, but he                                                                                                         either player as they met
committed 22 unforced er-                                                                                                         at the net to shake hands.
rors in the final set and 55                                                                                                      Kuznetsova improved to
total. He was broken six                                                                                                          3-8 against Williams and
times, including in his final                                                                                                     beat her for the first time
three service games.                                                                                                              since the 2009 French
“I made many more mis-                                                                                                            Open quarterfinals.
takes than usual, espe-                                                                                                           “It’s obviously disappoint-
cially in the third set,” said                                                                                                    ing,” Williams said, “but
Murray, a two-time Key Bis-                                                                                                       I’ve won here a lot, so it’s
cayne champion. “He was                                                                                                           OK.”q
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