Page 19 - Aruba Today
P. 19
Tuesday 29 March 2016
U.S. likely would miss World Cup if it loses to Guatemala
CRAIG MERZ United States goalkeeper Tim Howard reacts after Guatemala scored its first goal during a 2018 goalkeeper Tim Howard,
Associated Press Russia World Cup qualifying soccer match at Mateo Flores Stadium in Guatemala City, Friday, who lost his job at Everton
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — If March 25, 2016. and had not played since
the United States loses to Jan. 24.
Guatemala on Tuesday, Associated Press In keeping with Klinsmann’s
the Americans almost cer- rotation plan, Brad Guzan is
tainly would fail to qualify out of second place with to help you get through,” fender Graham Zusi and to start in goal on Tuesday.
for the 2018 World Cup. two games left. And Gua- “I’m not playing anybody
“There’s a sense of urgency temala finale is at home U.S. captain Michael Brad- 17-year-old midfielder out of position,” Klinsmann
tomorrow night because against 141st-ranked St. said. “I know that Geoff
we need three points Vincent. ley said. “You have to un- Christian Pulisic in place Cameron can play right
now,” U.S. coach Jurgen Even with a tie, the U.S. back and center back. I
Klinsmann said Monday. would be in trouble — derstand that somewhere of injured defender Matt know that Yedlin can play
After playing in seven probably needing No. 49 right winger and right back.
straight World Cups, the Trinidad to win its home along the way, maybe Besler and midfielder Fa- This is a good thing for us to
Americans put their streak game against Guatemala have because we try to
in jeopardy with a 2-0 loss in September. The Ameri- twice, you’re playing in a bian Johnson. put the pieces together the
Friday night in Guatemala cans’ remaining matches best way possible in order
City, where mistakes led are at St. Vincent on Sept. 2 game where your lives de- Klinsmann was criticized for them to fit. Having that
to a pair of goals in the first and home against T&T four option with certain play-
15 minutes. The Americans days later. pend on it. Certainly that’s for his lineup Friday, which ers — Fabian Johnson as a
had been unbeaten in 21 “All these experiences fullback or as a midfielder,
games against Guatemala along the way you use the case tomorrow night.” had Geoff Cameron at which he does the same
since 1988. thing in transitioning in ei-
Midfielder Alejandro right back instead of cen- ther position with his club
“We came back here in a team — is good for us.”
must-win situation,” U.S. for- Bedoya, who played the tral defender, DeAndre The forecast is for a 54-de-
ward Clint Dempsey said. gree temperature, 14 de-
Trinidad and Tobago (2-1) full match Friday, has a Yedlin in midfield instead of grees below Friday night’s
leads Group C with sev- reading. The U.S. is 7-0-3 at
en points at the halfway sore ankle, and it is unclear at right back and Michael Mapfre Stadium (formerly
point, Guatemala (2-0-1) Crew Stadium), including
is one point back, the U.S. whether he will be avail- Orozco in central defense 6-0-2 in qualifiers.
(1-1-1) has four points and “Certainly Columbus, when
St. Vincent (0-3) is last. The able. though he has not played you look back at the histo-
top two teams advance to ry, there’s something spe-
the six-nation finals of North this year for Tijuana. In ad- cial here,” Bradley said. “It’s
and Central America and a bit of mystique. Teams
the Caribbean. Klinsmann brought in de- dition, Klinsmann started come here and know a
With Trinidad likely to win at little bit about that history
home against St. Vincent, and look at our record
another loss to No. 95 Gua- when we played here and
temala would leave the they know they’re going to
30th-ranked U.S. five points be in for a tough night.”q
Yanks want to see Tanaka start
Tuesday before opener call
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — Masa- rardi said before Monday I’d like to see results as New York Yankees starting pitcher Masahiro Tanaka, of Japan,
hiro Tanaka’s final spring night’s game against De- well,” Tanaka said. gets loose before a spring training
training start Tuesday troit. “We want to see him Tanaka added that he baseball game against the Toronto Blue Jays Thursday, March
against Philadelphia will dial it up a little bit. I think wouldn’t be disappointed 10, 2016, in Tampa, Fla.
likely determine whether it’s important that we see if he wasn’t the opening
he will be the New York something.” day starter because it’s Associated Press
Yankees’ opening-day something out of his con-
starter. Girardi called Tanaka’s trol.
Tanaka has a 7.36 ERA in spring training inconsistent. “It’s what the manager de-
four starts and gave up “There’s a lot of creative cides, so I’ll go wherever
seven runs in four innings things you can do if you they need me and I’ll be
against Washington on felt like he needed anoth- ready for that,” Tanaka
Wednesday. er start,” Girardi said. “Our said.
“We want to make sure hope is he’s really good Tanaka had surgery in Oc-
that we feel that he’s tomorrow and this is a non- tober to remove a bone
ready and that he feels issue.” spur from his throwing el-
good about where he’s Tanaka, through a transla- bow. The team said the in-
at before we really talk tor, said the start is “abso- jury dated to playing time
about who’s going to be lutely” important. in Japan.
our opening-day starter,” “Probably my last start be- “Body-wise, I’m fine,” he
Yankees manager Joe Gi- fore the season starts, and said.q