Page 18 - Aruba Today
P. 18


SPORTSTuesday 29 March 2016

   Jason Day                      starts dating to his record    Jason Day, of Australia, celebrates after winning the Dell                            McIlroy protected against
                                  win at the PGA Champion-       Match Play Championship golf tournament by beating Louis                              the water and played his
 Continued from page 17           ship last August.              Oosthuizen, of South Africa, at Austin Country Club, Sunday,                          shot out to the right. Day
                                  Jordan Spieth’s loss in the    March 27, 2016, in Austin, Texas.                                                     was going to do the same
He will head to Augusta           fourth round was the first                                                                                           thing with a 4-iron when he
National later this week to       part in Day getting back to                                                                        Associated Press  felt a gust in his face, and
start preparing. The Mas-         No. 1.                                                                                                               switched to a 2-iron. He
ters starts April 7.              Day winning in the quarter-    He’s always been a great     wind, over the water to the                              took a line right over the
“I am looking forward to          finals was the second part.    long iron player.            left corner of the green,                                water, cleared it by a foot
it,” Day said. “I know it’s       As for that big match?         “And the way he’s putting    leaving him 6 feet for bird-                             and set up a two-putt bird-
one tournament that I’ve          The record book will show      now, there’s a reason why    ie. Day missed the green                                 ie that gave him the lead
always want to win. So the        that Day defeated Louis        he’s No. 1 in the world.”    left and faced a downhill                                for good.
motivation and the want           Oosthuizen, 5 and 4, to win    The key moment for           chip so severe that he went                              That’s how quickly control
... there’s no problem. It’s      the tournament. That was       Day even getting to the      with a full shot to reduce                               in that match changed.
been good momentum                never really in doubt. Day     championship match was       the roll. It worked OK, but                              “Once the wind started
for me, confidence-wise,          took the lead for good on      against McIlroy on the       not great, and he still had                              gusting up, I said, ‘I’m go-
over the last two weeks. I        the fourth hole and ex-        back nine.                   12 feet left for par.                                    ing to change and for
can’t get comfortable with        tended it because he was       McIlroy was on the verge     Day made. McIlroy miss.                                  the 2-iron and go for the
how I’m playing right now.        making putts at Austin         of going 1 up when he hit    Then, both were in range                                 green,’” Day said. “In my
I can’t get lazy, because         Country Club and Oosthui-      a magnificent shot into the  on the par-5 12th when                                   head, I was saying that. I
I’ve got to understand that       zen was not.                                                                                                         pulled it a little bit ... and it
what I’m doing is working.        “A top player these days,                                                                                            worked out fantastic.”
So I’ve got to keep work-         he always makes that cru-                                                                                            McIlroy hit a poor chip be-
ing on the things that have       cial putt when he needs                                                                                              hind the 13th green and
caused me to win over the         to,” Oosthuizen said.                                                                                                fell 2 down, and he never
last two weeks.”                  “We’ve seen a thousand                                                                                               could catch up.
The last time anyone won          times through Tiger doing it.                                                                                        “I think the morning’s round
back-to-back on the PGA           Jordan does it all the time.                                                                                         was probably one of the
Tour was only three weeks         And Jason, whenever he                                                                                               hardest rounds I’ve had to
ago when Adam Scott               needs to make a crucial                                                                                              go through in match-play
won at PGA National and           putt, he makes it. You see                                                                                           format,” Day said.
Doral. What makes Day             him this morning against                                                                                             The back injury was all but
stand out as a favorite is        Rory when he made that                                                                                               forgotten when Day mo-
that the Match Play was           putt on 18. He’s always                                                                                              tored his way to an easy
his sixth victory in his last 13  been a great iron player.                                                                                            victory over Oosthuizen.q
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