Page 23 - Aruba Today
P. 23

                                                                                                                  Tuesday 29 March 2016

Microsoft axes chatbot that learned a little too much online 

BRANDON BAILEY                   This July 3, 2014, file photo, shows the Microsoft Corp. logo outside the Microsoft Visitor Center in                                try a variety of conversa-
AP Technology Writer            Redmond, Wash.                                                                                                                        tional gambits with Tay,
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) —                                                                                                                                                  said Caroline Sinders, an
OMG! Did you hear about                                                                                                                             Associated Press  expert on “conversational
the artificial intelligence                                                                                                                                           analytics” who works on
program that Microsoft          line, we became aware            be a version of “call and        mond said. “It didn’t.” The                                         chat robots for another
designed to chat like a                                          response”technology,             program most likely re-                                             tech company. (She asked
teenage girl? It was totally    of a coordinated effort by       added Hammond, who               flected things it was told,                                         not to identify it because
yanked offline in less than a                                    studies artificial intelligence  probably more than once,                                            she wasn’t speaking in
day, after it began spout-      some users to abuse Tay’s        at Northwestern University       by people who decided to                                            an official capacity.) She
ing racist, sexist and other-                                    and also serves as chief sci-    see what would happen,                                              called Tay “an example of
wise offensive remarks.         commenting skills to have        entist for Narrative Science,    he said.                                                            bad design.”
Microsoft said it was all the                                    a company that develops          The problem is that Micro-                                          Instead of building in some
fault of some really mean       Tay respond in inappropri-       computer programs that           soft turned Tay loose on-                                           guidelines for how the pro-
people, who launched a                                           turn data into narrative re-     line, where many people                                             gram would deal with con-
“coordinated effort” to         ate ways,” Microsoft said in     ports.                           consider it entertaining to                                         troversial topics, Sinders
make the chatbot known                                           “Everyone keeps saying           stir things up — or worse.                                          added, it appears Tay was
as Tay “respond in inappro-     a statement.                     that Tay learned this or that    The company should have                                             mostly left to learn from
priate ways.” To which one                                       it became racist,” Ham-          realized that people would                                          whatever it was told.
artificial intelligence expert  While the company didn’t                                                                                                              “This is a really good exam-
responded: Duh!                                                                                                                                                       ple of machine learning,”
Well, he didn’t really say      elaborate,    Hammond                                                                                                                 said Sinders. “It’s learning
that. But computer scien-                                                                                                                                             from input. That means it
tist Kris Hammond did say,      says it appears Microsoft                                                                                                             needs constant mainte-
“I can’t believe they didn’t                                                                                                                                          nance.”
see this coming.”               made no effort to prepare                                                                                                             Sinders said she hopes Mi-
Microsoft said its research-                                                                                                                                          crosoft will release the pro-
ers created Tay as an ex-       Tay with appropriate re-                                                                                                              gram again, but only after
periment to learn more                                                                                                                                                “doing some work” on it
about computers and hu-         sponses to certain words                                                                                                              first.
man conversation. On its                                                                                                                                              Microsoft said it’s “mak-
website, the company said       or topics. Tay seems to                                                                                                               ing adjustments” on Tay,
the program was targeted                                                                                                                                              but there was no word on
to an audience of 18 to                                                                                                                                               when Tay might be back.
24-year-olds and was “de-                                                                                                                                             Most of the messages on
signed to engage and en-                                                                                                                                              its Twitter account were
tertain people where they                                                                                                                                             deleted by Thursday after-
connect with each other                                                                                                                                               noon.
online through casual and                                                                                                                                             “c u soon humans need
playful conversation.”                                                                                                                                                sleep now so many con-
In other words, the pro-                                                                                                                                              versations today thx,” said
gram used a lot of slang                                                                                                                                              the latest remaining post.q
and tried to provide hu-
morous responses when           Drone makes 1st urban package
people sent it messages         delivery in U.S., governor says 
and photos. The chatbot
went live on Wednesday,         SCOTT SONNER                     standby during the flight        control system to prevent
and Microsoft invited the       Associated Press                 but weren’t needed,              crashes involving drones
public to chat with Tay on      RENO, Nevada (AP) — A            Sweeney said. He said the        and other low-altitude air-
Twitter and some other          drone has successfully de-       package included bottled         craft. Nevada is one of six
messaging services popu-        livered a package to a           water, food and a first-aid      states the FAA has desig-
lar with teens and young        residential location in a Ne-    kit.“Conducting the first        nated as unmanned air-
adults.                         vada town in what its mak-       drone delivery in an urban       craft systems test sites.
“The more you chat with         er and the state’s governor      setting is a major achieve-      Flirtey conducted the first
Tay the smarter she gets,       said Friday was the first fully  ment, taking us closer to        FAA-approved, rural drone
so the experience can           autonomous urban drone           the day that drones make         delivery in July to a health
be more personalized for        delivery in the U.S.             regular deliveries to your       care clinic in Virginia.q
you,” the company said.         Flirtey CEO Matt Sweeney         front doorstep,” Sweeney
But some users found Tay’s      said the six-rotor drone flew    said. Nevada Gov. Brian          In this Friday, March 25, 2016,
responses odd, and oth-         about a half-mile along a        Sandoval congratulated           photo provided by Flirtey, an
ers found it wasn’t hard to     pre-programmed delivery          the company “on success-         independent drone delivery
nudge Tay into making of-       route on March 10 and            fully completing the na-         company, shows the first fully
fensive comments, appar-        lowered the package out-         tion’s first fully autonomous    autonomous, FAA-approved
ently prompted by repeat-       side a vacant residence in       urban package delivery.”         urban drone delivery, a box
ed questions or statements      Hawthorne.                       NASA is working with the         with bottled water, emergen-
that contained offensive        The route was established        drone industry and the Fed-      cy food and a first aid kit in a
words. Soon, Tay was mak-       using GPS. A pilot and vi-       eral Aviation Administration     residential setting without the
ing sympathetic referenc-       sual observers were on           on a low-altitude air traffic    help of a human to manually
es to Hitler — and creating                                                                       steer it in Hawthorne, Nev. 
a furor on social media.
“Unfortunately, within the                                                                                           Associated Press
first 24 hours of coming on-
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