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SPORTSTuesday 29 March 2016
With Blackwell in coma, British boxing experiences deja vu
STEVE DOUGLAS - Thisis a Feb. 28, 2015 file photo of Chris Eubank Snr, left, speaks to his son Chris Eubank Jnr at the brain and is in intensive
AP Sports Writer the O2 Arena, London. British boxer Nick Blackwell lies in an induced coma in a hospital in Lon- care, sparking an outpour-
As Nick Blackwell lies in an don Monday March 28, 2016 following a brutal middleweight title fight against Chris Eubank Jnr. ing of heartfelt messages
induced coma in a London In 1991, Michael Watson suffered a near-fatal brain injury in an all-British world title fight against from the boxing fraternity.
hospital following a brutal Chris Eubank Snr. Eubank Snr., was in the corner of his son, Chris Eubank Jnr., who was handing “Will u all pray for Nick
middleweight title fight, a Blackwell a beating in their fight for the British title at Wembley Arena. Blackwell please ASAP,”
heavy sense of deja vu is world heavyweight cham-
hanging over British boxing. Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. pion Tyson Fury said on Twit-
In 1991, Michael Watson ter.
suffered a near-fatal brain round began, telling him to two, if it goes to a deci- The fight continued to the The BBC reported late Sun-
injury in an all-British world stop taking head shots to sion, why hasn’t the referee 10th round, when it was day that surgeons are not
title fight against Chris Eu- Blackwell. stopped the fight? I don’t stopped after the ringside planning to operate on
bank. Watson needed six “If the referee doesn’t stop get why. doctor advised the referee Blackwell.
operations to remove the it, then I don’t know what “So maybe you shouldn’t that Blackwell was unable Watson said he “went
blood clot that had formed to tell you,” Eubank told his leave it to the referee. But to see through his left eye. down memory lane in
on his brain, leaving him son. “But I will tell you this: If you are not going to take Minutes later, Blackwell fell many senses” as the Black-
partially paralyzed. he doesn’t stop it and you him out to the face. You to the floor in the ring and well-Eubank Jnr. fight un-
Twenty-five years later, the keep on beating him like are going to take him out was taken to hospital. folded. Unlike during Wat-
long-retired Eubank was this, one, he is getting hurt, to the body. OK?” He suffered bleeding of son’s darkest moment 25
a central figure in another years ago, there were
dark night for the sport in medical professionals on
Britain. And it might be that hand for prompt treatment
his memories of that fight for Blackwell.
against Watson prevented “I went through a lot when
the worst of scenarios in it happened to me, and it
Saturday. makes me feel happy that
Eubank was in the corner what I went through led to
of his son, Chris Eubank Jnr., a change in the medical
who was handing Black- provision laid out for box-
well a beating in their fight ers,” Watson told Monday’s
for the British title at Wem- edition of British newspaper
bley Arena. By the end of The Daily Telegraph.
the eighth round, Blackwell “Young Chris need not
was in a bad state with his blame himself for what has
left eye closed and swollen. happened. It was not his
Eubank Snr. saw the grav- intention to bring harm to
ity of the situation and en- his opponent, as strange
tered the ring to speak to as that sounds. It was an
his son before the ninth accident.”q
NHL Roundup
Blackhawks clinch playoff
berth with win at Vancouver
Chicago Blackhawks’ Teuvo Teravainen, right, of Finland, Baertschi scored for the and Jesper Fast assisted on tor Rask scored twice for
scores against Vancouver Canucks’ goalie Ryan Miller during Canucks, who have man- both of Staal’s goals. Henrik the first multigoal game of
the third period of an NHL hockey game in Vancouver, British aged only seven goals dur- Lundqvist stopped 29 shots. his career, leading Carolina
Columbia, Sunday, March 27, 2016. ing their eight-game losing Derick Brassard was called past New Jersey.
skid. Emerson Etem had for high-sticking with 1.4
Associated Press two assists, and Ryan Miller seconds left in regulation Rask, who has scored in
finished with 29 saves. to give Pittsburgh a power three straight games, end-
VANCOUVER, British Co- Riemsdyk had two assists play in the extra period. But ed the Hurricanes’ skid
lumbia (AP) — Chicago for the defending Stanley PENGUINS 3, RANGERS 2, OT the Rangers killed it off be- of six consecutive games
clinched its eighth straight Cup champions. NEW YORK (AP) — Sidney fore Kris Letang’s wrist shot without a power-play goal
playoff berth with a 3-2 win Goaltender Scott Darling Crosby scored on a deflec- from the point ricocheted when he connected in the
at slumping Vancouver on made 26 saves in his ninth tion at 4:30 of overtime, in off Crosby in front. first period. He scored his
Sunday, with Andrew Ladd victory of the season, filling and surging Pittsburgh beat Pittsburgh, third in the Met- 20th of the season early in
scoring the go-ahead goal in for regular starter Corey New York in a potential first- ropolitan Division, moved the second to make it 3-0.
with 2:27 left. Crawford who is not on this round playoff preview. within three points of the Ron Hainsey scored the
Tomas Fleischmann and road trip due to an upper- Matt Cullen and Phil Kes- second-place Rangers and other Carolina goal, and
Teuvo Teravainen also body injury. sel also scored for the Pen- two ahead of the idle Is- Cam Ward made 23 saves.
scored while Trevor van Alex Burrows and Sven guins, who have won eight landers. The Penguins have Bobby Farnham and Tra-
of nine. Marc-Andre Fleury a game in hand on the vis Zajac had the goals for
made 25 saves. Rangers. New Jersey. Devils goalie
Eric Staal scored twice for Scott Wedgewood, play-
the Rangers, who had won HURRICANES 3, DEVILS 2 ing in his fourth NHL game,
three straight. Kevin Hayes RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Vic- stopped 20 shots.q