Page 14 - Aruba Today
P. 14


  LOCALTuesday 29 March 2016

Friends of Aruba Honored at Renaissance Ocean Suites

ORANJESTAD - Recently       consecutive years.           rants, relaxation and be-
the Aruba Tourism Author-   The honorees were Mr.        ing on Aruba and stay-
ity had the great pleasure  William and Mrs. Pamela      ing at the Renaissance
of honoring two very loyal  Patterson and Mr. Ken        Ocean Suites is like being
couples as Goodwill Am-     and Mrs. Emily Stafford.     home for them.
bassadors at the Renais-    William, Pamela, Ken         The certificate was pre-
sance Ocean Suites.         and Emily are all regular    sented by Mr. Mr. Ricardo
The symbolic honorary       guests at the Renaissance    Croes representing the
title is presented in the   Ocean                        Aruba Tourism Authority
name of the Minister of     Suites and they love Aru-    together with friends and
Tourism as a token of ap-   ba very much because         family, and associates
preciation to guests who    of the friendly people, the  from the Renaissance
visit Aruba for 20-to-34    climate, beaches, restau-    Ocean Suites team.
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