Page 12 - Aruba Today
P. 12


WORLD NEWSTuesday 29 March 2016

Puerto Rico’s Congress rep hopes to amend debt crisis 

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico          Representatives bill aimed     its point of departure nor its  The governor spoke shortly                                          and will keep it in place
(AP) — Puerto Rican Gov.       at addressing the island’s     conclusion can be the as-       after Resident Commission-                                          for too long. But he added
Alejandro Garcia Padilla       debt crisis. It has been       sassination of Puerto Rican     er Pedro Pierluisi pledged to                                       that it was vital for Congress
warned over the weekend        widely criticized for creat-   democracy,” the governor        work with Republican and                                            to pass legislation that es-
that he would challenge in     ing a fiscal oversight board   said. Garcia Padilla said the   Democrat lawmakers to                                               tablishes a process for fair
federal courts and before      that would have ultimate       bill acknowledged Puerto        make changes to the draft                                           debt restructuring accords
the “community of nations”     authority over budget and      Rico’s need for the legal       so that the oversight board                                         between Puerto Rico and
any law that he said would     fiscal matters, and would      authority for an orderly re-    it creates supervises rather                                        its creditors that the courts
nullify the U.S. territory’s   be immune from supervi-        structuring of its debt and     than controls the common-                                           can enforce.
Constitution by concen-        sion by Puerto Rico’s gover-   he expressed confidence         wealth government.                                                  “If a bill does not become
trating government power       nor and the legislature.       that its final version will be  Puerto Rico’s representa-                                           law, Puerto Rico and its
in a body not elected by       “If in exchange for the legal  substantially different from    tive to Congress said the                                           creditors will almost cer-
the people.                    faculty for an orderly debt    the “discussion draft” that     legislation currently pro-                                          tainly go over a cliff — to-
Garcia Padilla was reacting    restructuring a supervision    will be publicly circulated     posed would give too                                                gether — this summer,”
to a draft of a U.S. House of  board is necessary, neither    next week.                      much power to the board                                             Pierluisi said.q

Fidel Castro to Obama: We don’t need your ‘presents’ 

M. WEISSENSTEIN                In this Feb. 13, 2016, file photo, Cuba’s leader Fidel Castro meets Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill,                             gaging in an ex-post-facto
Associated Press               left, in Havana, Cuba. In a text published on Monday, March 28, 2016, Castro said that “We do not                                  dialogue with the Ameri-
HAVANA (AP) — Fidel Cas-       need for the empire to give us anything,” in reference to the recent visit by U.S. President Barack                                can president with point-
tro responded Monday to        Obama to Cuba.                                                                                                                     ed critiques of perceived
President Barack Obama’s                                                                                                                                          slights and insults, includ-
historic trip to Cuba with                                                                                                                (AP Photo/Alex Castro)  ing Obama’s failure to give
a long, bristling letter re-                                                                                                                                      credit to indigenous Cu-
counting the history of U.S.   omy and political system       decades before hand-            scriptions of environmental                                         bans and Castro’s prohibi-
aggression against Cuba,       without the threat of U.S.     ing power to his brother in     abuse under the Spaniards                                           tion of racial segregation
writing that “we don’t need    interference.                  2008, was legendary for         and reviews the historical                                          after coming to power in
the empire to give us any      Fidel Castro writes of         his hours-long, all-encom-      roles of Cuban indepen-                                             1959.
presents.”                     Obama: “My modest sug-         passing speeches. His letter    dence heroes Jose Marti,                                            Quoting Obama’s decla-
The 1,500-word letter in       gestion is that he reflects    reflects that style, present-   Antonio Maceo and Maxi-                                             ration that “it is time, now,
state media titled “Brother    and doesn’t try to develop     ing a sharp contrast with       mo Gomez.                                                           for us to leave the past
Obama” was Castro’s first      theories about Cuban poli-     Obama’s tightly focused         Castro then goes over cru-                                          behind,” the man who
response to the president’s    tics.”                         speech in Havana. Cas-          cial sections of Obama’s                                            shaped Cuba during the
three-day visit last week, in  Castro, who led Cuba for       tro’s letter opens with de-     speech line by line, en-                                            second half of the 20th
which the American presi-                                                                                                                                         century writes that “I imag-
dent said he had come to                                                                                                                                          ine that any one of us ran
bury the two countries’ his-                                                                                                                                      the risk of having a heart
tory of Cold War hostility.                                                                                                                                       attack on hearing these
Obama did not meet with                                                                                                                                           words from the President of
the 89-year-old Fidel Castro                                                                                                                                      the United States.”
on the trip but met several                                                                                                                                       Castro then returns to a
times with his 84-year-old                                                                                                                                        review of a half-century
brother Raul Castro, the                                                                                                                                          of U.S. aggression against
current Cuban president.                                                                                                                                          Cuba. Those events in-
Obama’s visit was intend-                                                                                                                                         clude the decades-long
ed to build irreversible mo-                                                                                                                                      U.S. trade embargo against
mentum behind his open-                                                                                                                                           the island; the 1961 Bay of
ing with Cuba and to con-                                                                                                                                         Pigs attack and the 1976
vince the Cuban people                                                                                                                                            bombing of a Cuban air-
and the Cuban govern-                                                                                                                                             liner backed by exiles who
ment that a half-century of                                                                                                                                       took refuge in the U.S.
U.S. attempts to overthrow                                                                                                                                        He ends with a dig at the
the Communist govern-                                                                                                                                             Obama administration’s
ment had ended, allowing                                                                                                                                          drive to increase business
Cuban to reform its econ-                                                                                                                                         ties with Cuba. q

Haiti lawmakers approve interim leader’s PM nominee

DAVID McFADDEN                 ed in favor of Enex Jean-      veteran presidential ad-        government’s No. 2 official                                         after his nomination was first
Associated Press               Charles serving as a transi-   viser earlier last week after   also means a new Provi-                                             announced. The swift ap-
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP)     tional government’s prime      his first choice, economist     sional Electoral Council                                            proval of Jean-Charles fol-
— Haiti’s Parliament ap-       minister with a 78-1 vote.     Fritz Jean, was rejected by     can soon start organizing a                                         lowed recent pressure from
proved the interim leader’s    Two deputies abstained.        a majority of deputies.         twice-postponed presiden-                                           international partners and
second nominee for prime       The Senate unanimously         A prime minister is needed      tial and legislative runoff.                                        the United Nations’ special
minister this weekend, tak-    ratified Jean-Charles’ pol-    to install a new Cabinet        “It is with a feeling of a                                          envoy to the country who
ing a critical step toward     icy statement. President       and is responsible for run-     heavy load in an extremely                                          urged them to establish a
concluding postponed           Jocelerme Privert chose        ning the day-to-day affairs     difficult situation that I ac-                                      fully functioning govern-
elections. The lower house     the U.S.-educated admin-       of the government. The au-      cepted the post of prime                                            ment and respect a nego-
Chamber of Deputies vot-       istrative law professor and    thorization of the caretaker    minister,” Jean-Charles said                                        tiated political accord.q
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