Page 2 - Protocol for seeing Covid 19 Patients for Home Care and Hospice
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Protocol for Seeing Covid-19 Positive Patients:

                       Home Care and Hospice

                              b.  Because we are requiring you to cover the N95 respirator, it can be re-used between multiple patients over multiple
                                  shifts until visibly soiled, contaminated, or wet, or fails a fit check.

                       After you have donned the N95 respirator you must perform a negative/positive seal check by doing the following:
                              c.  air should be felt around the perimeter while blowing out. If you feel air coming
                                  out it is not a tight enough seal.

                              d.  When taking a small breath in, the mask should pucker in slightly. If it does not, it is not re-usable.

                              e.  When breathing out you should feel the respirator expand slightly. If it does not, it is not re-usable.

                              f.  If not a tight seal, the respirator cannot be re-used.

                              g.  Ensure the mask is breathable, if unable to breathe in the mas k, the respirator cannot be re-used.

                              h.  Perform hand hygiene and don gloves following seal check.

                              i.  Don surgical face mask with goggles or full-face shield over N95.

                              j.  Continuing donning  order

                              k.  Care should be taken to ensure that health care personnel (HCP) do not touch outer surfaces of the
                                  mask during care, and that mask removal and replacement be done in a careful and deliberate manner.

                              l.  During patient care, take care to NOT TOUCH your masks or eye protection.

                              m.  The surgical face mask is discarded after each patient visit.

                              n.  Airborne and Contact precautions (N95 respirator, gown, gloves, eye protection) for any visits within 7 days of
                                  admission for this patient cohort.

                              o.  After 7 days from admission, and afebrile for at least 3 days without the use of fever-reducing medications and
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