Page 236 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 236


                                   Health Information Exchange Fact Sheet

                                                 Explains what is the Health Information Exchange.
                                                 Explains which health care providers will share information.
                                                 Explains why a patient would want to share their health
                                                 Informs patient of their rights in the Health Information Exchange.
                                                 Informs patient who to contact for more information.
                                                 The HIE Consent signature form is in another section of the SOC
                                                    VNSNY is a member of various RHIOs which provides health
                                                    care providers access to your health information so that you
                                                    can get better care
                                                    Granting access to your health information will ensure your
                                                    [doctor/care manager/specialist] knows what happens to you if
                                                    you receive care at another organization or are in the hospital
                                                    When your health information is easily available, your provider
                                                    can see a more complete picture of your health
                                                    Your information is safe and can only be accessed by people
                                                    who are caring for you
                                                    If you are interested in participating, please sign this Consent
                                                    to Access form and our staff will be able to access important
                                                    health information about you
                                                    You can also deny consent if you are not interested in allowing
                                                    VNSNY to access important health information about you
                                                    You can change your mind at any time by completing a new
                                                    consent form

                                        Commitment to Compliance

                             Contains information on
                             how to address
                             compliance concerns
                             (e.g. fraud, waste, or
                             abuse, questionable
                             billing, poor quality of
                             care), and how to report
                             any compliance
                             violations. Reports can
                             be made anonymously.


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