Page 232 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 232


                              Notice of Privacy Practices

                                                           Informs patient of VNSNY compliance with
                                                           Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
                                                           Act (HIPAA) regulations.
                                                           Informs patient that their health care
                                                           information is protected and safe with VNSNY.
                                                           Advises patient that information is only
                                                           shared with medical personnel that are
                                                           involved in their case and the insurance
                                                           company on file with VNSNY.
                                                           Informs patient they have a right to inspect
                                                           and copy their medical record with written
                                                           requests.  A fee is charged for copy requests.
                                                           Informs patient how to contact VNSNY to
                                                           obtain a medical record.
                                                           Informs patient how to contact VNSNY
                                                           Compliance Officer if they feel their privacy
                                                           has been violated.


                              Advanced Care Planning/ Self Determination

                                Advance Care Planning is a
                                process that helps you plan for
                                future medical care in case you
                                are unable to make decisions on
                                your own. This form provides
                                information regarding the
                                process, choosing a health care
                                agent, advance directive
                                documents, including health care
                                proxy, living wills, DNR, and DNI.


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