Page 228 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 228


                              Purpose

                                 Obtain consent for care

                                 Acknowledge release of PHI and liability of payment for services

                                 Acknowledgement of receipt of opening packet paperwork
                                 Consent for Wound Photography

                              Patient must have capacity to sign
                                 Primary MD can decide capacity

                                 If patient has capacity but physically cannot sign (motor, visual, cognitive deficit)
                                 another adult relative, Power of Attorney, or Health Care Proxy) may sign
                                 indicating on behalf of patient.
                                 Document in the Coordination Notes patient-selected or indicate the patient
                                 chooses not to have patient-selected representative

                                 Document in Coordination Notes all verbal and/or written information given to
                                 patient –selected representative

                              VNSNY Consent & Acknowledgement Form

                            The clinician must:
                               •  identify and document representative OR that patient does not want rep to have notice -
                                 interaction with agency.
                               •  identify and document timely preferred language in the COC notes
                               •  Provide notice to the patient of availability of professional interpretation services

                               **This must be done at SOC and before completion of 2 nd  visit.**

                            If requested, written notice must be given to the patient-selected representative within
                            4 business days of initial evaluation visit and documented in the COC note.

                               •  Patient indicates that they do not designate a patient-selected representative, or
                               •  Decline having written notice provided to patient-selected representative
                               •  Clinician must document patient’s desire in the Coordination Notes.

                              In the event a copy is not available the clinician should document in Coordination Notes: “Patient lacks
                              capacity to make their own health care decisions and the names of the person(s) identified by the courts
                              who may exercise the patient’s rights”

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