Page 422 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 422


                                     Indwelling Foley Catheter Care

                                     Patient/caregiver/HHA instructions

                                                Cleanse       Cleanse after      Maintain a
                              Use hand
                             hygiene and       catheter,       each bowel          closed
                            gloves when        penis with       movement        system with
                            providing care     soap and        from front to    catheter and
                                                 water             back         drainage bag


                              Indwelling Foley Catheter Care Key Points

                               If need to open system: wipe connections with alcohol
                                 and allow to dry before opening or reclosing system
                               Keep foley drainage bag lower than the bladder to prevent
                                 backflow of urine
                               Do not use providone-iodine or antibacterial ointments
                                 on/around catheter/urethra.
                               Bag and catheter are never disconnected.  Instead of
                                 changing bags, the leg bag emptying-spout is aseptically
                                 unclamped and connected to an overnight bag. In the
                                 morning, the overnight bag is disconnected from the leg
                                 bag using aseptic technique


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