Page 14 - Reading And Listening
P. 14

D.  Find the antonym of these words in the text.

                       Words          Antonyms            Words          Antonyms           Do you know?
                   Fall                                Hidden
                   (par. 1)                            (par. 4)                          Antonyms are words
                   Minority                            Similar                           that have opposite
                   (par.2)                             (par. 4)                          meaning.
                   Degradation                         Generally
                   (par. 2)                            (par. 4)
                   Ignore                              Dissuade
                   (par. 2)                            (par. 5)
                   Confident                           Fixed
                   (par. 2)                            (par. 5)
                   Neglecting                          Formerly
                   (par. 2)                            (par. 6)
                   Stay                                Detested
                   (par. 3)                            (par. 6)

               E.  Write sentences using the words from your antonym list.

               F.  Decide the following statements true (T) or false (F) based on the information from the text.

                   1.  Women first outnumbered men on college campuses in the 1980s.               [_____]
                   2.  The decline of male enrollment in education is due to some certain reasons.   [_____]
                   3.  Sommers wrote a book about boys in high school.                             [_____]
                   4.  Colleges are offering more courses that focus on women and women’s issues.  [_____]
                   5.  Men need to go to college to get a job with a good salary.                  [_____]

                                                                                             General English   11
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