Page 18 - Reading And Listening
P. 18

Fill in the blank with the information from the video.
                      Scan-me box                       There should be no more than three words.

                     Do you need more practices?        1.    Yale  and  Harvard  are  _________________  in
                                                        the US.
                                                        2.    There     was     drastic    change       of
                                                        _________________ around 1970s, when more women
                                                        applied for university.
                                                        3.    Women  enrollment  was  high;  it  was
                                                        _________________ higher than men’s was.
                                                        4.     Student  debt,  lower  employment,  the
                         “successful dropout”, and return on investment have _________________ for men not
                         to attend college.
                      5.  Men  go  to  college  because  they  are  _________________  so  or  they  think  it  will
                      6.  Some men end up into _________________ that different from their degree.
                      7.  Many  men  drop  out  from  college  because  _________________  is  expensive,  it  is
                         becoming  _________________,  and  many  successful  businessmen  did  not  have  to
                      8.  Sometimes, people who do not have a _________________ can be more successful
                         than those who have.
                      9.  College is worthy when someone is pursuing _________________ or when someone
                         has _________________ or _________________ to pay the tuition.
                      10. Ways  possible  to  encourage  men  to  go  college  are  _________________  cost  and
                         _________________ for better future.

                     Small Group Discussion. Make a group of three or five and discuss this question:

                     Would  a  more  affordable  price  tag  be  the  thing  to  convince  our  generation  that

                     college is important?

                                                                                             General English   15
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