P. 143


                                       96b  In  your  notebook,  join  the  phrases  in the  two  columns  using  until,  before  or
                                           after  to  make  eleven  sentences.

                                        4-  You must  stay  in bod             a  my  exams  start
                                        A  I  felt  very  tired                b  staying  awake  all  night
                                        3  I  was  asleep                      c  it  gets  too  dark
                                        4  We  always  have  a  good  breakfast  d  he  was  thirty
                                        5  We're  going to  buy  some new  skis  e  you  got  better
                                        6  They  felt  lonely                  f  we  go  on  our  skiing  holiday
                                        7  I have  a  lot  of studying  to  do  g  we  go  to  work
                                        8  Who's  going to  wash  the  dishes  h  the  phone  work  me  up
                                        9  He  lived  with  his parents        i  I  found  it
                                        10 1 carried on looking for my ring   j   dinner
                                        11  We must walk home                  k  their  children  left  home

                                        Examples: 1  You must stay in bed until you get better.  1e

                                                 2  I felt very tired after staying awake all night,  2b

                     97    Prepositions   of time

                                      Use  one  of these  words  to  complete  the  sentences  below.

                                                 during    after    before
                                        through  between   from     in
                                           1  I  waited  .untill.,  nine  o'clock  and  then  went  home.

                                           2  If you  come             seven,  we'll  catch  the bus  that  leaves  at  7.05.
                                           3  Will  you  come and see  me           a week  or two?
                                           4               the  children  left,  the  house  was  very  quiet.
                                           5               the  holidays,  we  played  tennis  and  did  a  lot  of  swimming.

                                           6  I can't  remember  when  we  left the  cinema:  1 think  it  was
                                              ten  and  half-past.
                                           7  I  was  ill          January  to  March.
                                           8  We worked  all             the  holidays  to  finish  painting  the  boat.

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