P. 144

Phrasal              Verbs

                                      A phrasal  verb  is  formed  when  a  preposition  (up,  down,  in,  etc)  or  an  adverb
                                      {away,  back,  etc)  is  added  to  a  verb  to  produce  a  new  verb  with  a  different
                                      / get  up at  eight o'clock.
                                      We'll pick you  up  outside  the  station.

                                      The plane  took  off very  quickly.
                                      The  meaning  of a  phrasal  verb  can be  similar  to  the  original  verb:
                                      The  car slowed  down  and then  stopped.  (=  similar  meaning  to  slow)
                                      -  or  it  can  be  completely  different  to  the  original:
                                      I'm  going  to  give  up  smoking.  (=  different  meaning  to  give)

                  98   Some    common     phrasal verbs


                                     wake  up       look  after  ring  up
                                                    sit  down   get  on
                                     stand  up      give  up

                                   Choose  the  correct  phrasal  verbs  from  the  list  above  to  complete  these  sentences.
                                        1  The  children  .get  up...  at  eight  o'clock  to  have  breakfast.
                                        2  '                !'  he  said.  'This  is  not the  time  for  sleeping!'
                                        3  After  the  crash,  my  legs  hurt:  it  was  very  difficult  to

                                        4  '                 in  that  chair,  please/  said  the  doctor.
                                        5  The bus  was  moving  too  fast and  I  couldn't          it.
                                        6  Mr and  Mrs  Smith  are  going to            the  children  for  an  hour.
                                        7  I'm  going  to               smoking  tomorrow.

                                        8  I'm  going to                the  station  and  ask  about  the  trains.

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