P. 20

Nouns, adjectives and adverbs

                     12   Other words with     a, an, the or no article

                                        The apples are £1  a  kilo.
                                        I  never  drive  more  than  80  kilometres  an  hour.
                                        She  smokes  about  twenty  cigarettes  a  day.
                                         a,  an  when  talking  about  cost,  speed  or  how  often  we  do  something.

                                        Can  you  play  the  guitar?
                                        I  love listening  to  the  piano.
                                         the  with  musical  instruments  when  we  talk  about  playing  them  or  listening  to
                                        them.  But  note:  I'd  like  to  buy a piano.
                                        I  usually  listen  to  the  radio  in  the mornings.
                                        They  watch  television  most  evenings.
                                        the  with  listen  to  the  radio.  No  article  with  watch television.  But  note:  Have
                                        you got a  new television?  This is  an  expensive  radio.

                                        English  isn't  too  difficult  to  learn.
                                        History  is  my  favourite  subject.
                                        She  plays  tennis  very  well.
                                        I  usually  have  toast  for  breakfast.
                                      •  No  article  before names  of  academic  subjects,  languages,  sports,  meals.


                                      Complete  these  sentences  with  a,  an,  the  or  no  article.
                                          1   She plays  ..?/?<?..  piano  beautifully.
                                          2  We  usually  meet  once       week.

                                          3   I  enjoy  studying languages  but  I  find  Latin  quite  difficult.
                                          4  I  always  listen  to     radio  when  I  get  up.
                                          5   Can  your  daughter  play      violin?

                                          6  I  can  cycle  15  miles    hour.
                                          7  Do  you  enjoy learning        Spanish?
                                          8  I  take  the  children  swimming  twice    week.
                                          9  I  think  you watch        television  too  often.
                                          10  Did you study         physics  at  school?

                                          11  This  flat costs £100      week.
                                          12  1 love listening to      saxophone.
                                          13  The potatoes  are  80 pence      bag.

                                          14  Can  you  speak       Russian?
                                          15  1 really enjoy playing      football  at  the  weekends.

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