P. 70


                  52    going to and   will

                                   •  Sometimes  it  is  possible  to  use  either going  to  or  will,  but  at  other  times
                                      only  one  of them  is  correct:

                                              1 future  plan  -  decided  ex 51 I'm  going  to  leave  next  week.
                                                before  time  of speaking
                                    going  to
                                              2 future  result  from  ex 48 He's  going  to  fall  off his  bike.
                                                present  evidence
                                              1 future  willingness   ex 50 I  won't  do  it.

                                              2 sudden  decision  made  ex 51 I'll  phone  her  now,
                                                at  time  of speaking
                                              3 offer/suggestion      ex 50 Shall  I  open  the  door  for  you?

                                              1 neutral  future  fact 1  ex 48 Danny's going to be  eight next  week.
                                                                      ex 50 Danny  will  be eight next  week.
                                    going  to                 1
                                              2 first  conditional    ex 58 If it rains,  we're  going  to  leave.
                                     or  mill
                                                                             If it rains,  we'll  leave.
                                              3 when/as soon as, etc. 1  ex 53 I'm  going to  phone when  I  arrive.
                                                                             I'll phone  when  I  arrive.

                                     'will  is  more  common  here.


                                   Write  the  correct  form  of going  to,  shall,  or  mill  for  these  sentences.  If two
                                   answers  are  possible,  write the  more  likely  one.

                                       1   'Why is  Sheila  getting  a passport?'

                                           'She  .''s  going  to.  live  in  Spain  for  a  year.'
                                       2   'I  know  she  ...won't.  (not)  agree  with  this  idea.'
                                       3   'I  think  the  film               be  a  big  success.'
                                       4   'I  don't  feel  very  well  this  morning.'

                                          'Oh,  dear                   I  look  after  the  children  for you?'
                                       5   The  managing  director                 sack  two  hundred  people
                                          next  month.
                                       6   'There's someone  at the  door.'  'OK,  I            answer  it.'

                                       7  She                     never  see  her  parents  again.

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