P. 71


                                           8   'Is  that  your  new  stereo?'
                                               'Yes,  but  it doesn't work.  1           to  take it  back  to  the shop.

                                           9  I  think the  exam                 be  quite  easy.
                                           10  'I  see  Hannah and  Peter  together  a  lot.'
                                              'Yes. They                    get  married.'
                                           11  You                   probably  have  a  really  good  time.
                                           12  The  dog looks ill.  I think it             be  sick.

                                           13  What  (you)                   do  this  weekend?
                                           14  I                   see  a  late-night  horror  film  at  the  Odeon.
                                           15  You don't have  to  walk:  T              give  you  a  lift.

                                           16  I've  had  enough  of this  job.  I           leave.
                                           17  Of course we                   help  you.

                      53   when + Present Simple to describe the future


                                        when  +        present  simple  future  simple
                                        As  soon  as
                                        Before         I see him.       T'll  phone  you.
                                        If  /  Unless

                                         The  present  simple  is  used  in  clauses  of  time  and  condition  (after  when,
                                         as  soon as,  if,  etc.)  to  refer  to  the  future.

                                         until  is  similar:
                                        future  simple  +  until   +  present  simple

                                        I'll  wait        until    I see him.

                                       •  Note the  use  of the  present  simple  above:
                                         (NOT  When  I'll see  him  I'll  phone  you.)
                                         (NOT  I'II  wait  until  I'll  see  him.)
                                       •  The  present  perfect  can  also  be  used  with  when,  etc:  I'll  speak  to  you  when  I've  finished.
                                       •  Going  to  or the  imperative  can be  used,  when  appropriate,  instead  of  the  future  simple:
                                         I've  decided what  to  do.  I'm  going  to  talk to him when  he gets  here.  Phone  me  when
                                         he  arrives.

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