Page 4 - Camille Beckman Bath Body Catalog2020_digital
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Our Roots

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Susan Camille and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            daughter Roshan Jihan
                      Coming from a family steeped in the tradition of farming and gardening,
                      my mother knew the name of every flower, and my father knew the
                      name of every grass type and weed.
                                                                                                                                                               Founders Susan and Foad at the opening
                                                                                                                                                               of the original Camille Beckman gift shop.

                                                             “i loved all plants,                                                           As a young adult I spent several years traveling through Europe, living the life of an artist.
                                                                                                                                            Renovating old living spaces and painting mythological Cretin and Atlantean history, much of my
                                                             especially the                                                                 time was spent studying art history and techniques, while learning how to make painting supplies
                                                             dandelions”                                                                    from scratch. Researching a shampoo and glycerin soap project, I ventured to the Monasteraki
                                                                                                                                            area of Athens, near the famous spice market, known to house perfumer’s workshops.
                                                                                                                                            This is where I found my calling.
                                                              The Beckman Family fishing in Idaho
                                                              (Susan Camille pictured far right with
                                                              father Fred and siblings Lynden and Paul).
                                                                                                                                                                          I proceeded to write a list of every job I loved or thought was
                      Yes, you read that correctly; I love weeds! Even from the early days of my childhood, such                                                        interesting. The epiphany of my next calling came from this list.       ABOUT THE COMPANY
                      appreciation of all plant types contributed to my philosophy that flowers and weeds are
                      Nature’s helpers to aid and heal us.                                                                                  Equipped with my experience in botany, extracting, and creating exquisite fragrances, I moved
                                                                                                                                            back to Idaho in 1984 to start Camille Beckman. Within a few years I had hired 25 women to help
                      My father taught agriculture at the local high school. I spent my summers learning from him                           gather weeds and baby’s breath, which were dried in a barn and woven into delicate, charming
                      the ways of the natural world. Dad gave me the famous leather bound book entitled “100                                wreaths and sold to local florists. Our business consisted mainly of the creation and distribution
                      Things for Boys to Do”. The chapter that immediately captured my heart was “Extraction of                             of dried flower wreaths, potpourri, silk roses and lace gift items.
                      Perfume from Flowers”.
                                                                                                                                            In 1989 I gave birth to my daughter, Roshan Jihan, and rekindled my childhood love of making
                                                                                                                                            soaps and lotions. These soon became the bulk of our work as our body products began to
                      I grew up in the beautiful, small town of Weiser, Idaho. One of my favorite pastimes was visiting                     help the lives of all who tried them. I have always attributed their transformative results to the
                      a local pharmacy on the main street of town. I am forever grateful to our old pharmacist, who                         quality, wholesome ingredients we use and the loving intent through which they are made.
                      would let me search the wooden shelves in the back of his pharmacy looking for perfume
                      and soap making supplies. He took the time to answer my questions and custom ordered my                               From our signature Glycerine Hand Therapy, which is a modern rendition of my Aunt Rose’s
                      first gallon of glycerin. I was blessed to be raised around a group of people who, even if they                       kitchen cream, to our NEW Everyday and Women’s Wellness collections, each Camille Beckman
                      didn’t know you, would take the time to help in mentor. I know this is one of the reasons we                          product and collection is a reflection of our never ending journey of learning. I am grateful to
                      are still inspired to support hometown businesses today. Weeds and baby’s breath, which                               continue learning the ways of Mother Nature with my daughter Roshan, who now works with
                      were dried in a barn and woven into delicate, charming wreaths and sold to local florists. Our                        me and continues to help me grow my understanding and connection in the same way I taught
                      business consisted mainly of the creation and distribution of dried flower wreaths, potpourri,                        her. As we continue to deepen this knowledge together, we look forward to bringing you new
                      silk roses and lace gift items.
                                                                                                                                            products and ways to use her goodness to support our lives.
                      Each spring the ladies from our neighborhood allowed me ‘Violet picking privileges’. After
                      three weeks of gathering violets from all over the valley, there I stood with my precious vial                                For all things... we are eternally grateful.
                      of violet perfume. It would be untrue if I told you it smelled of beautiful violets, for in reality,
                      it more closely resembled rubbing alcohol and traces of Bertolli olive oil.                                                                                           - Susan Camille Beckman Roghani

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