Page 7 - Camille Beckman Bath Body Catalog2020_digital
P. 7

The Factory                   The Rosebud

 The business has grown out of a couple of warehouse
 locations. Growing this company as a family, many of our   Our signature trademark, the hand tied rosebud, is rooted
 team members have stayed with us throughout the years. It   in my passion for herbs, plants and flowers. A major goal
 was always my dream to build us a home where we would   when establishing this business was to provide jobs for
 love to come to work each day.  stay-at-home mothers.

  In 2002, we completed and moved the factory and offices into   The  delicate  fabric  rosebuds  which  appear  on  many
 our new location; 35 acres of wild rose bushes in a wooded
 area bordered by the beautiful Boise River. The first awarded   of our classic products are individually hand tied by
 ‘Green Building’ in Idaho, our factory utilizes skylights, triple   someone in this highly dedicated group. It is a tradition
 water filtration, water recycling and other innovations that   still carried on to this day.
 allow it to run on the same energy as five households despite
 being 105,000 square feet.

 On site we also tend to over 15 acres of gardens and orchards,
 as well as our own lavender and roses. Guests can stop by our
 flagship gift shop to try our entire collection, or go for tea or
 dinner at our new sister company, Chateau des Fleurs. (see
 The Lab and Camille for more info).
 Beckman Factory                                                                                                      ABOUT  THE  COMPANY

 The Foundation

 In 1995 my husband and I started the Camille Beckman
 foundation with the purpose of serving the women, children
 and elderly of our world. To date, we have worked with over
 120 organizations to build orphanages, schools, food banks and
 medical missions.

 While we must accept we cannot be all things for all people, we
 are passionate about doing what we can for those whom our
 expertise can help the most. We envision a world where women
 are empowered with knowledge, freedom and opportunity;
 where children and elders care for each other, and where all
 beings realize their complete connection to the Earth and all
 that is.

 Metta  Prayer: May all  beings  have food  to eat, clean  air to
 breath, clean water to drink and shelter over their heads. May
 all beings have others to share love with and know their true
 purpose. May all beings be happy; may all beings be free from   Vietnam Flood Relief

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