Page 7 - HP2A 012 Napoleon Bonaparte
P. 7

outspoken Corsican nationalist. He                                                                                           the revolutionary army during the

            was given command of  a battalion of                                                                                         Siege of  Toulon. Toulon was then

            troops and led them against French                                                                                           held by British forces that opposed

            troops. However, he collided with the                                                                                        the idea of  the revolution. His

            leader of  the Corsican independence                                                                                         military genius shined in this battle,

            movement over political views, and                                                                                           which quickly gave him the position

            he and his family had to flee Corsica                                                                                        of  brigadier general, and later on,

            because of  this.                                                                                                            commander of  artillery forces for

            In 1793, Napoleon published a                                                                                                the French army in Italy.

            pamphlet agreeing on republican                                                                                              After this event, Napoleon suffered

            ideals, which gained him the approval                                                                                        multiple downturns because of

            of  the leaders of  the revolutionary                                                                                        his tendency to avoid positions

            movement. This enabled Napoleon to                                                                                           that were not to his liking. This

            become an artillery commander of                                                                                             caused decreased income as well
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