Page 16 - HP3B 004 Pablo Neruda and Gabriela Mistral
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would go on to become the world’s award.
first democratically elected Socialist
president. While Allende was In 1973 Neruda was diagnosed
president, Neruda was appointed with prostate cancer. Then a coup
ambassador to France from 1970- d’etat on September 11 of that year
1972. took over the Chilean government,
Allende committed suicide, and on
In 1971 Neruda was awarded the September 23, Neruda died. Many
Nobel Prize for Literature, which say that he was poisoned by the
was not easy due to the controversy forces of the new dictator Augusto
surround his political opinions. Pinochet. It was reported, however,
Nonetheless, the strength of his that he died of a heart attack.
poetry and writing won in the end,
and Neruda accepted this wonderful Since then, Neruda’s works have