Page 11 - HP3B 004 Pablo Neruda and Gabriela Mistral
P. 11
in the Spanish Civil War, and the living in exile. In this period he
horrors of World War 2, Neruda traveled to many countries such
sided with the Communist party as India, Sri Lanka and the Soviet
and was a supporter of the Soviet Union. While in Mexico in 1949
Union, which had an enormous role Neruda became very sick, and a
in defeating Nazi Germany. His Chilean singer named Matilde
support of the Soviet dictator Josef Urrutia was hired to take care of
Stalin was another political opinion him. He wound up marrying her
of his that would cause controversy sometime later, after his divorce from
throughout his life. del Carril.
Communism became outlawed in Neruda then returned to Chile, and
Chile at the time, so Neruda had to by this time his poems were famous
spend several years in hiding and all over the world. His books were