Page 7 - HP3B 004 Pablo Neruda and Gabriela Mistral
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Despite his literary achievements, subconscious mind, meaning, that
Neruda was still in a condition of which comes from our dreams.
financial distress. Therefore, in 1927,
he took a job as consul in the city After this period, Neruda returned
of Rangoon, which was then part to Chile, and from there, continued
of the British colony of Burma. He receiving diplomatic posts in places
took other posts in different parts like Buenos Aires, Argentina, and
of Southeast Asia, married his first both Barcelona and Madrid in
wife, a Dutch lady named Maryka Spain. At this time Spain was mired
Antonieta Hagenaar Vogelzang, in a brutal civil war, which caused
and wrote many surrealist poems. Neruda to become politically active.
Surrealism is a literary and artistic This led to a lot of controversy
movement from the early 20th which surrounded him throughout
century that tried to express the his life due to his political leanings.