Page 22 - HP3B 004 Pablo Neruda and Gabriela Mistral
P. 22
poems, served to aid in her career
as an educator, and in return, her Mistral then worked two years in
education career helped out her Mexico, and then went to the U.S.
career in poetry. Mistral lived in France and Italy
during the next few years, where
She worked many years as a high she also worked as a journalist.
school educator. During this time, She traveled around the world
while working in the Chilean city during this time, and her love and
of Temuco, the above-mentioned willingness to travel later made it
poet and future Nobel Prize winner easier for her to acquire international
Pablo Neruda, was one of her diplomatic posts, further spreading
students. Imagine having someone her fame and reputation. She worked
as illustrious as Gabriela Mistral as as consul from 1932 until the end of
your high school teacher! her life, working in countries such as