Page 17 - Reading Success B8
P. 17
7. A reader of the article could determine that
a. ancient Greece is among the most influential civilizations in history
b. Athenians and Spartans educated their citizens differently
c. Athens and Sparta are two of the best known city-states of Greece
d. all of the above
8. Which of these states an opinion?
a. Greece was divided into several city-states.
b. Each city-state had its own political unit, laws and customs.
c. Athenians were smarter than Spartans.
d. In ancient Athens, the primary purpose of education was to produce citizens
who are trained in the arts and are prepared for both peace and war.
9. The article was created mainly to
a. inform the readers about the different customs of the Spartans and the
b. inform the reader about the similarities between the Spartans and the
c. entertain the reader with a story of a boy
d. entertain the reader with a story about a war
10. The words free to move around describe
a. Spartan women being allowed to move around without restrictions
b. Spartan women moving around without paying penalties
c. Spartan women paying money to leave the house
d. Spartan women being allowed to make the decision to move to another
True or False
Check “T” for true and “F” for false.
a. Greece was ruled by one king. T F
b. Athenian boys were first sent as slaves until age 6 T F
or 7.
c. When Athenian boys turned 18, they were sent to a T F
military school where they were trained for two
d. Spartan boys at age 6 or 7 were sent to a military
school where they were trained for combat and
20_Reading Success B 8