Page 22 - Reading Success B8
P. 22
Reading Questions
Choose the best answer.
1. According to the article, how can a person expand their lifespan?
a. by being injected with hormones b. by exercising
c. by starving d. none of the above
2. What information is given first in the article?
a. Skin cells and blood corpuscles, are renewed regularly every day.
b. The most promising method of slowing down age is through diet.
c. Laboratory animals were given a balanced diet containing all the essential
d. In theory, then, the lives of humans might be made nearly half as long again.
3. What happened when laboratory animals were given balanced diet with
low calorie intake?
a. All the normal deteriorations in vigor and age-related complaints also
occurred some 40 percent later than usual.
b. The animals suffered malnutrition and died of starvation.
c. The animals’ bodies started to show signs of shock and damage.
d. all of the above
4. According to the article, what are the signs of aging?
a. nerve cells loses sensitivity
b. skin loses its elasticity
c. body becomes less resistant to disease
d. all of the above
5. With the technology of today, can aging be stopped?
a. Hormone injections allow people to stop aging.
b. Nothing can be done.
c. By changing your diet, you can extend your life, but cannot stop the aging
d. By changing your lifestyle, you can extend your life, but not stop the aging
6. Which sentence uses the word wear in the same way it is used in the
a. You can choose what to wear to school today.
b. He needs to wear a different shirt.
c. This keyboard will wear out if you use it too much.
d. none of the above
unit 4_25