Page 27 - HP1A 012 Gandhi
P. 27
Gandhi, and he was convicted that was the main reason that the Indian
civil disobedience was the way that textile industry collapsed, which
Indians would be able to become was one of the leading industries
independent from England. He of the Indian country for centuries
believed that the only reason that until the advent of colonialism.
the British were able to establish Gandhi encouraged everyone
colonial rule in India was because to spin their own clothes and
of the cooperation that the Indians boycott English products so that
showed to the British. He sought to they would be more independent
break this cooperation. from English influence. A famous
Some of the famous non-violent picture depicts him weaving his
civil disobedience protests that own clothes during in prison, where
Gandhi organized was the burning he was kept due to disobeying the
of English made clothes, which English government's orders not to