Page 30 - HP1A 012 Gandhi
P. 30

enter Delhi, fearing that this would

 generate more disobedience in the   6. Legacy


 Another famous protest is the Salt   The non-violent protests that

 March that Gandhi organized to   Gandhi exhibited made it so that

 combat the English taxation on salt,   the international  community

 and Gandhi made the point that if    became criticizing of  the English

 salt was to be taxed, then the Indian   occupation of  the Indians, and

 population would make their own   led to the independence of  India.

 salt in order to not pay the English   He was assassinated by Hindu

 the taxation on salt. This march,   nationalists that regarded him as

 which was a non-violent protest led   complacent to Muslims and that he

 388 kilometers along the coast of    was responsible for the religious

 India.      turmoil that the country was facing
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