Page 7 - HP1A 012 Gandhi
P. 7

the chief  minister of  the province                                                                                         introverted personality would last

            of  Porbandar, where Gandhi was                                                                                              until his learning in England.

            born. According to records, Gandhi                                                                                           According to local tradition, Gandhi

            was a restless child, and enjoyed                                                                                            was married young at the age of  13,

            adventure and travel during his                                                                                              to Kasturbai Makhanji Kapadia in an

            childhood. The family moved to                                                                                               arranged marrige. As he was young,

            Rajkot, a nearby smaller state and                                                                                           the marriage was of  little meaning

            his father was elected chief  minister                                                                                       to Gandhi. According to traditional

            in that state as well. Gandhi was                                                                                            customs, the bride would live with

            nine years old when he first attended                                                                                        her parents for a long time, which

            school, which was nearby his home                                                                                            meant that the couple could not see

            in Rajkot. During this time, he was                                                                                          each other for prolonged periods of

            a shy student with books and school                                                                                          time, during which Gandhi would

            lessons as his only companion. This                                                                                          miss his wife.
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