Page 17 - HP1A 004 Guatemalan History
P. 17

the government were called in an

            emergency to find a new successor

            after Jose Maria’s death. The first

            one in hand to become the country’s

            leader was Manuel Estrada Cabrera,

            but the high-ranking officials denied

            him. They did not invite him because

            they did not trust him. Two versions

            arouse about how he became                                                                                                   During the selections in September

            president. The first one was that he                                                                                         1898, Manuel Estrada Cabrera won

            entered with a gun in hand to get                                                                                            with the majority of  votes, defeating

            his title and the second one was that                                                                                        the resisting party. He was 44 years

            he showed up without a weapon and                                                                                            old by the time he became president.

            demanded to be the president.                                                                                                He was known for his courage and
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