Page 30 - HP1A 004 Guatemalan History
P. 30

about the mass violence that had   promised the citizens that he would

 occurred during the time of  the civil   keep strong ties with the United

 war and that it was an event that   States and would help the country’s

 people should never forget about.   economy prosper with his liberal

 The three officers that planned his   ideas. He also promised to keep the

 murder were later sent to jail in   country in peace and protect the

 2001.   citizens from any human rights

 During the presidential election held   violation.

 on the 7th of  November 1999, the   Because his promises were slow

 different campaigns used different   during his first year as a president,

 strategies to get the majority of    public support for the government

 votes. Alfonso Portillo won the   decreased. However, the government

 elections on the second round,   was able to prosecute the officers

 with two-thirds of  the votes. He   that violated human rights in the
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