Page 28 - HP1A 004 Guatemalan History
P. 28

He called them animals that should   to run for presidency. In 1944, Juan

 be trained in the military to become   Jose Arevalo won the elections. He

 civilized.  majored in teaching at a university

 After governing the country for 14   in Argentina and was known for his

 years, Jorge Ubico finally resigned   professional teaching skills.

 from his office. The urban middle-  Chapter 5: Guatemala in the present

 class intellectuals started to disobey   Even though leaders in Guatemala

 his laws and policies and on June   had changed. Violence still remained

 25, female teachers conducted a   in the country. During president

 demonstration. Maria Chinchilla was   Arzu’s government, Bishop Juan

 a national heroine who was killed in   Jose Gerardi was killed on the 24th

 this demonstration. Citizens were   of  April 1998. He was murdered

 angered and this and after Ubico’s   two days after he presented a human

 resignation, another candidate had   rights report to the public. He talked
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