Page 24 - HP1A 004 Guatemalan History
P. 24

His presidency was not peaceful at

 all times. In the beginnings of  his

 presidency, he sent soldiers to capture

 his political rivals. He also established

 several spies that would look up for

 the people that would plan revolts

 against his government and would

 kill them. He would also respond   States and began one of  the most

 violently to the workers that argued   brutal governments in Central

 against the United Food Company.   American history. Just like the

 Chapter 4: Jorge Ubico  previous government had done,

 Jorge Ubico came to power in   Jorge Ubico also sent many spies and

 Guatemala from 1931 to 1944. He   informants that would report back

 was being helped by the United   about people that would try to end
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