Page 4 - HP3B 002 Alexander the Great
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territory that resembled a kingdom. of Artemis, which was one of the
Also, the city considered itself as seven wonders of the ancient world,
not Greek, but of other descent. and the victory of the Macedonians
Therefore, many Greeks referred to against the Illyrian barbarians were
Macedonians as barbarians until the all associated with the birth of
conquest of Alexander the Great. Alexander.
At the age of ten, his father was
2. Birth presented with a horse of fine
Alexander the Great was born under ancestry. Because the horse refused
the king of Macedonia, Phillip to be ridden, Phillip II tried to send
II and his fourth wife, Olympias. the horse away. However, Alexander,
Alexander was associated with many noticing that the horse was afraid of
legends at the time of his birth. its own shadow, was able to tame the
The burning down of the Temple horse. This bought much acclimation