Page 8 - HP3B 002 Alexander the Great
P. 8
of 16, Alexander accompanied his except the area that was controlled
father with the campaigning of the by the Spartans.
Macedonians conquering the Greek After this campaigning, they
city states. He had major success, returned to Macedonia, in which
which shows the military genius that Alexander faced a number of
Alexander had acquired. The father competitors for the seat of heir to
and son led the Macedonian army the throne in Macedonia. Phillip
to victory and had conquered or II untimely death, brought by his
subdued all Greek city states for the bodyguards, however, made it so that
exception of Sparta. Phillip II then all the nobles agreed on Alexander
created the Hellenic league which he taking the throne on the very spot.
was the hegemon of. This basically
meant that the Macedonians were in 3. Expansion of the Hellenic Empire
charge of the entire Greek peninsula Before the e xpansion of the